Chapter 8: The First Animagi Night

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When she opened the door to the Great Hall everyone looked at her. Her eyes were probably red and puffy, but she was very hungry. She sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Sirius and Remus, and the hall started to continue eating. She was focusing on her plate when on her left, where Sirius sat, she could hear kissing noises. She slowly moved her head and saw Sirius snogging some Gryffindor. Across from Sirius, Olive sat, and it seemed as though it didn't bother her one bit. And Juliette would know, they were twins for goodness' sake. She returned to her Chicken wing and listened to the conversation James and Remus were having.

"So, Remus, tonight's the night. I did it, and Sirius did too, as well as Olive. We'll help you through tonight. I hope Sirius will join us, right mate?" he said.

Sirius, who clearly was listening as well, said in between kisses, "Sure, I'll be there." and continued kissing.

James rolled his eyes and continued. "As for you, Julie, you ought to stay here with Peter and the gorgeous Evans." he said.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Alright, we'll stay here. I got you the Potion to reduce it, by the way, Remus."

Sirius had stopped kissing the girl to eat something. "Yeah, the thing that's making you so Moony. Oh, my goodness that is my new nickname for you. Moony." he said. Remus rolled his eyes and nodded, and Sirius went back to his food.

"Anyway, shouldn't you guys get out there anyway?" Lily said, and Remus nodded, and got up. James followed him, and Olive got up too. Sirius mumbled something like 'gottadash' and followed the others. Peter, Lily and Julie were left alone. With all the other Gryffindors. "Well, I guess that makes three. Anyway, I have to go too." She said, as she looked across the tables. Juliette looked over her shoulder briefly, and was quite sure to see Sev there.

Lily got up, which made it just Peter and Julie. "So, Peter." She said awkwardly.

"Capesby Nr. 2." He said.

Julie sighed. "Haven't you forgiven me for it yet?" She asked, as she bit off a piece of salmon from her fork.

Peter shrugged. "I'm just under the impression that I should keep my distance. And, as a matter of fact, I will." He said, then got up. Juliette followed him shortly out, but went the other way, to the dormitories.

It was always quite the walk to the Fat Lady on the 7th floor, and she whispered the next weekly password to it. "Blubbertots." The Fat Lady's portrait swung open, and Julie entered the common room, then went upstairs to her dorm.

She entered, and realized she was going to write a letter back to her best friend.

Chère Eveline,
I hope you aren't all too mad. I got your letters alright, but I was just very busy. Actually, I got my first kiss from a garçon here, his name's Peter. But I actually didn't want to and didn't even realize we were on a date until he did. I made a lot of friends, and well, I miss you!
Je t'aime,

She gave the letter to the owl, and let it fly off. She then dropped herself on her bed and let out a satisfied sigh of tiredness, when she heard a bark. A bloody bark. Dogs weren't allowed as pets, so it surprised her. She looked out the window and saw a black stray dog, and decided to go out to it. She grabbed her coat and ran down the stairs to the common room, out the portrait hole, and the stairs back down.

She hurried outside when she heard two voices, one of which belonged to Lily. "Sev, I can't believe you. You shouldn't hang out with them, they're lunatics and kill people!" She exclaimed.

Severus answered. "Lily, they're not that bad. I swear." He stated, and Julie could see Lily shake her head in her mind. "Lily, you're the one hanging out with those... bullies." he added in a soft voice.

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