Romantic Memories

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The night had the memories which they could never forget and had the moments which were always rejoiced, recreated and relished by both of them.

The moments which were forbidden yet never hidden in any corner of their heart were one of the best moments of their lives.The room was filled with the fragrance of Yojanagandha and the glow of Shwethavahana.

After sometime,

Yagyaseni and Arjun were sitting near the window of her chamber seeing the the sky. Arjun suddenly said,
" Priye you know who are the greatest lovers of the universe?"
" Shiv-Parvati, Arya?"
" No, Priye!! They got themselves even after a long struggle but the greatest lovers are the moon and earth!"
" And why is it so Arya?"
" Because they never get each other completely for the sake of the good for the universe but they never stop trying.
They come so close to each other but never get to be one, forever. One is required for the existence of the other, They complete each other. Without Earth there is no significance of Moon and without Moon there is no beauty at night for Earth.Isn't it the greatest love story, we can ever see, Priye?" he said while entwining their fingers and creating a eyelock between them.

"Yeah, Arya!! But the people for whom they are doing it will appreciate it till the time ends." she said confidently and soulfully.

" Same is the case with us, Pran Priye! For the sake of goodness, we cannot be physically one forever but mentally and emotionally we will be one because our souls are one! And this forbidden love of ours will be cherished too like the story of Moon and Earth!" saying this Arjun in his husky voice, lifted her in his strong arms and proceeded towards their bed to merge into themselves again.


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