♡♡..Love is everything..♡♡

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Samragyi Draupadi was spending last 12 years as her love Rajkumar Arjun was spending. Eating minimal food, sleeping on the ground and not wearing jewelry shows her love towards Arjun to everyone around but the pain which she was undergoing by this separation only her heart and love(arjun)can understand.
Daasi comes running and tells the beauty in sorrow that" Maharani, Prince Arjun departed from Dwaraka and will arrive soon. Emperor Yudhistir wants you prepare for the arrival him and"....
Draupadi cut in between " For Govind. Sure" and gave the only necklace she had with her right now.

Bheem who was passing by, saw the whole situation and was walking towards Draupadi ...When Nakul stops him and says " Wait brother..We cannot make Panchali understand. Only Arjun is capable of Accomplishing this impossible task...so please wait till bhrata arjun arrives..

"But nakul, she will be very angry and sad hearing this" days Bheem in a confused tone.
Bro, this is not the right time to reveal the truth" says Nakul.
" correct, but for now , we have a lot of work so we will think of it later" says Bheem.
And both of them left..

On the other side, Panchali was beautifying her although she was flawless to present herself in front of her Arjun, thinking of him without knowing what the time has in plan for her, Arjun and...


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