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That's when Apollo took over. I start seeing pictures of the dark guy, Alec, a couple of other people dressed in the similar way as he is (black combat suits - from head to toes - and way too modern for my ancient Greek brain), strange dark tattoo symbols curling on their bodies, than same symbols, but light, almost transparent, swirling in the air. My mind tells me I've seen them before, in some other form, maybe carved or written somewhere but I can't recall anything more concrete.

The answer comes from none other then Jared.

"Are those ancient runes?" he speaks incautiously, without having presented us to Alec, which is impolite even for my standards. But the damage has already been done so I can't just shift back to the polite mode.

I remember scrolls of homework I used to do. I haven't written in those for around two years. I can remember something, but it is slightly different from what I see right in front of me.

"Not ancient" Alec corrects. "But definitely runes".

I remember another thing. Languages change. Ancient runes aren't used anymore. Actually I didn't think they could be used in any other form, let alone be developed in a more advanced form.

Apollo strikes again. I see shadows and runes swirling in the air once again. This time I also hear a voice. It doesn't say anything. It is more just a chaos of sounds that doesn't make sense. Slowly, it becomes a melody that is supposed to mean something. It doesn't develop into any form of words I could recognize, it just remains a melody, though that melody had a thousand-year-old meaning that starts to crystalize in my brain, planting an idea in it. An idea of a shadow world, hidden from us for ages, yet very well aware of other worlds on the planet. Downworlders we know. But these warriors are different. We don't know about them. Another picture appears. Chiron. Maybe not all demigods are unaware of the people in shadows. Elder ones. Our seniors and gods must've known about this. And Apollo probably thinks I've overheard something before. Shadow. Shadow. Shadow-something.

"You're a shadowhunter" I speak, not really sure how I remember this.

"We tend not to encounter any demigods" Alec says, almost apologetically. "I was warned about a downworlder attack. I suppose the hellhounds were detected, not you". I'm not too convinced.

"Jared and I, we're not typical demigods" is all I say.

"I assume you must be Jared" he says, turning to my friend. "And you are?"

"Fay. My name is Fay".

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