Mistakes that i dont take back

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"My turn"

I turn around to see dahvies face and his hand held out. I toke his hand and the music went slow even though people were drunk out of their minds they still tried to slow dance. He put his hands around my waist and my arms around his shoulders. We started dancing and he pulled me closer so we were touching in almost every way possible.

I felt butterflies in my. Stomach and my cheeks heated up, i havent been this close to someone since my awful ex.

No ones made me feel like this, I lay my head on his shoulder enjoying it to much. The song ended but I stayed like that a little longer until pulling Dahvie over to a bunch of people doing body shots and beer pong. I turned fast making him flinch.

"Lets play next" I pointed to the beer pong table. One guy had about two cups left. It toke about ten minutes for them to finish and some guys re stocked it.

"Our turn" I waved at the guy he waved me right ahead.

I threw first getting it in

"Whooo" I yelled and did a

Little dance, which got peoples attention.

Some guys came over to watch. Dahvie chugged the beer and threw one but just missing. I threw one and missed.

Soon Dahvie had two left and I had four, I was drunk and couldn't do it so I amid at his face but hit some one else in the back getting an awful glare. I was falling in place my feet still were working up my knees were going up and down I look like an idiot.

"Bitch I'm drunkk" I yelled throwing my arms up standing start. Dahvie was laughing at me for the failure, he threw and got it in.

"Noppeeee I donee" I said well trying to walk away, but tripping on some guy and girl making out on the ground.

Dahvie went to help me up he was drunk but not as bad as me.

"Well hello there." he said to the couple

"Come on let's go home." He said leading my arm. We walked out to Jayy and Jeffree talking and laughing.

"I'm taking her home she's not gonna make it much longer, haha"

" okayy see you too later" Jayy giggled and winked our way.


"Man how are we gonna get back" I mumbled to myself. So I started to walk with Alice holding my hand, she was so cute laughing her ass off at nothing. "Where do you live?" I asked her, she stopped laughing and walking she just froze.

"No" she said quietly as if the thought was to scary. "Lets go to your place" she said suddenly all happy. I wanted to ask what was wrong with her place but mine wasn't far from here so we walked more trip on every little pebble. As soon as we got there I plopped on the couch and Alice doing the same.

"Oh god my head" she said holding her head.

I got up grabbing water and Advil for both of us.

"Thanks can I use some clothes" she said pointing at her beer stained pink Jeffree star shirt.

"Suree" I got up and she followed, I went in my room being greeted by blood red color walls with a black dresser and my Black hello kitty bed. I had posters, pictures and stickers all over my walls. I grabbed a long white button up shirt from my dresser, there was nothing really else, man I needed to do the laundry.

"That'll work" she said taking it from me. She put the shirt on my bed and just toke off her shirt, whoa I shouldn't look but I'm

A guy whose drunk who wouldn't.

"What's the point of putting this on if we're gonna just take it off" she said tossing the shirt to the ground and coming to me to smashing her lips to mine.


Well wow... I'm not gonna do a POV in anyone else well maybe.. But that was awful sorry, I was being to girly haha sorry and sorry for it being short just wanted to put it up next chapter will be longer I hope.

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