I Just Wanna Know You Better

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A/N: SO Perrie and Zayn are engaged and my story is based on present time. Let's just pretend that BSE or Zerrie engagement never happened bc I don't feel like changing the entire story. I know I didn't update for like 2 weeks, but I have been busy. I originally wrote this last week, but I'm revising it bc it's sh*t(:


I took the elevator down to the main lobby. Apparently, Harry was out in the front in his car. Hmm I wonder why he wanted to see me. We weren't supposed to have our first "date" until next week because the contract had to be finalized. He probably just wanted to get an overview of me, but little did he know, he already knew what I was like. While the elevator was taking its sweet time going 10 floors down, I decided to text Perrie to buy myself some time. She was expecting me home by now. 'Something popped up with the lads and I won't be back until dinner :( sorry x' We have our backs for each other and even if she decided to double check on me, they'll just go along with it.

When I exited the building, I looked left and right for Harry. They didn't give me specific details on why he wanted to see me, just that he's here. I noticed Harry leaning against his black Ferrari. He was wearing that halfway buttoned down shirt and the horrendous farmer's straw hat. Perrie is expecting me home by now. This might turn our fans on, but definitely not me.

Harry looked up and smirked when he saw me heading towards him. He was leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek, but backed up and opted for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Veronica."

He looked taken back that I didn't remember our last meeting, but the truth is I know for a fact this wasn't our first. "As you might probably know, I'm Harry Styles... So I wanted to hear the news from you, good or bad, hopefully it's good, I just wanted to you know, get to know you and maybe..." He trailed off.

Never in a million years had I ever seen him this nervous. I gave him a reassuring smile, "If you were wondering about our... arrangement... I decided that it would benefit us both, so it's a done deal."

He was beaming up at me now, "That's- that's great because I was planning on taking you out for lunch, unless you already ate then we could go next time..."

"Actually, lunch sounds wonderful"

"Great," He paused. There was awkward silence between us. Harry headed for the passenger's side door and opened it for me. I didn't need him treating me like his girlfriend, actually he didn't need to when the cameras weren't looking, but the VIP treatment is looking pretty good right now.

The car ride was silent, so Harry decided to turn the radio on at a low volume. One of our songs came on and he switched the station. You get sick of having to sing the same thing hundreds of times every night. We were going to god knows where and I don't recognize where we were at. Knowing Harry, it's probably some hipster, practical jokes place.

Harry coughed beside me, "We're going to this indie coffee shop, it's really cool there. Live music. Sometimes my friend, Ed, dunno if you know him or not, has practice sessions there. I usually go there before I go on tour, helps to calm the nerves, you know?" He chucked "I think you're gonna like it there. No cameras, just mellow peace."

It was silent again, but this time I decided to break it, "Why did you choose me, specifically me?" I looked over at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he was concentrating on the road.

"Roni, can I call you that? Well, Roni, do you remember the Halloween party? You probably don't because it was a while ago. Ever since that party, my mind has been wandering to you." He confessed, "You could say, that I felt a connection between us."

"I do remember our meeting..." I said recalling the faded memories.

Harry was highly inebriated that night. He probably hallucinated this wonderful attraction because I was in the brink of laughing at his face and revealing myself or filing a restraining order.

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