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A/N: Hey guys! I just found out that people are actually reading this which I found rather hilarious because I wasn't expecting this to get any reads. Another thing that I notice, I said Victoria, not Veronica. So I'm sorry for that typo, I must have gotten it mixed up with the store.


Zayn POV:

At first, Veronica had been a one-time thing. It all began at the Halloween Party of 2012. Niall and Harry planned on throwing the biggest party of all time because they were teenage boys with money and nothing better to do. They planned on inviting just about everyone in a 5 mile radius. I'm telling you it was big.

"So Zayn what are you gonna go as?" Liam asked beside me. We were all sitting on the couch watching White Chicks. Honestly, I was more focused on sketching than on the television screen. "Umm... Probly as sum pirate or sumthin..."

Louis snickered, "Wow, Zayn, your creativity never ceases to amaze me."

"At least he wasn't the one who wore the carrot suit..." Niall muttered remembering the embarrassing memory of having to remember tearing the spandex bodysuit off of Louis that literally stuck to him like glue.

Louis flailed his arms in exasperation, "Aww come on now - you know it was for the fans!"

"Hey, Louis, I should go as tea and you should go as a cup. So we can be a teacup! Get it tea and cup. Makes teacup?" Harry asked, his eyes smiling brightly. Leave it to Harry to make all of these corny jokes and puns and have it still be funny.

"Anyways, I'm planning to go as Popeye. You know, to show off my amazing strength." He said flexing.

"Too bad you don't have an Olive Oyl, that would be a cute couple costume," Louis piped, now realizing what he just said, "Oops shouldn't have said that..."

Liam and Danielle had just broken up a month ago. Liam took it quite hard because they were starting to get serious. Even had plans for the future!

"Can we not bring that up?" Liam said sternly, his tone changing.

"Soo Louis, is Eleanor coming?" Niall came in for damage control.

"Yeah I told her about it. We're planning on going costume shopping in a couple of days."

"How about you Zayn, is Perrie coming?" Niall asked.

I looked up from my drawing pad, "Actually she has somewhere to be. Said sumthin 'bout a Halloween festival in Brighton."

Perrie and I had just started dating a few months ago. I was pressed by management to go out with her to help promote their new album. Not a 100% of our relationship is fake. We actually complement each other quite well.

Harry started laughing to himself. Apparently, he had been watching the film the entire time. It was the scene where the two guys called in their friends to turn them into women. I was fascinated at how convincing the result turned out to be. By convincing, I meant they looked like one of those girls that come to our concert with too much make up that they looked like the head shots of Toddlers and Tiaras.

This struck a lightbulb in my head. Maybe that can be me. Not exactly me as Zayn, but as my costume. I started to get up, "You know what guys, I think I'm gonna go in for the night. I'm feeling a bit tired." The room filled with a chorus of goodbyes and good nights.

On the drive home, I started brainstorming ideas on what I wanted her to look like. I never understood why my little sisters always liked playing with Barbies and dress up, but now I understood why.

When I woke up (after I did the morning routine), I googled up places to get... jubblies. Most of them where adult stores and they didn't look real enough. Plus, they weren't fit to serve another purpose. After much frustration, I decided to call Lou.

Zayn Veronica: Best of Both WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now