If the Bra Fits

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A/N: I am so overwhelmed by the amount of people who are interested in this story! Your suggestions and ideas will be taken into account. I do have plans of having a Veronica/ 1/4 (b)romance so stay in tuned for that (:


[Present day London, England. aka where we left off on the first chapter]

I put on a flowy floral print sundress that I had "borrowed" from Perrie. Sharing is caring between couples, right?

I looked in the mirror and noticed the hollow, dark circles underneath my eyes. Those were the consequences of going on tour. I love the fans, but I'm happy to be on hiatus after performing practically every single day. Not to mention, Veronica had landed the front cover of Sports Illustrated. The shoot had taken place in America, on the last day we were there. We had the day booked for the Teens Choice Awards, but I had to find a way to sneak out of the event. I left early claiming that I had a contagious cold. They were suspicious at first, but Perrie sent me off saying that she wouldn't risk anyone (in Little Mix) infected because they have an upcoming concert that they need to be in top form.

The shoot went well considering that I was shot down multiple times when I insisted on changing in a restroom instead of a makeshift towel dressing room. It had take place at the beach where there were a few people wandering around who could possibly see me. After hundreds of uncomfortable, seductive poses, they decided that one of them had the "sex factor" to make millions of men desire me (sexually) enough to buy the magazine. I cringe at their thoughts, I'm still a guy and I know exactly what they are thinking about in detail.

I decided to cover myself up by putting on my sunglasses and fedora hat. Perrie doesn't get up until around 10 am, so I don't have to rush in the morning. I still had to be careful, though. I grabbed the car keys that were on the kitchen counter. I also wrote Perrie a note, so she wouldn't worry. "Went out to run some errands. Be back soon. Love u xx Zayn" I stuck it on the refrigerator with a magnet.


The photoshoot site was at the Victoria's Secret headquarters which was a 10 minute drive. We lived near Hyde Park which in turn is close to the shopping districts and tourist attractions. It wasn't exactly the most low-key place. The house was luxurious, with its abundance of bedrooms where we often invite the lads over just to fill the space. Sometimes it feels lonely when either one of us are on tour.

I went into the garage where I kept my collection of cars. My Veronica car was a black Range Rover with dark tinted windows in case I had an emergency identity change. I kept spare supplies in the back of the car which weren't limited to female parts, but also outfits for different occasions. One time, I had been invited by Leonardo DiCaprio as his date for the Great Gatsby movie premier. I couldn't say no because it's Jack. It made headlines then Veronica received job offers from different fashion designers. It was a fame boost for Veronica's career. After that, I had been on the limelight. Leo and I still remain friends, though.

I drove to the headquarters in silence. Usually, there were paparazzis in Vespas trailing my car, but this morning was a tranquil day.

I was greeted by a chorus of 'hellos' when I arrived. There were models swarming around in pink, satin robes.

"If it isn't our little angel Veronica," Debby greeted me with a kiss on both cheeks, "How are you? I haven't seen you in such a long time!"

"Well, you know. Work's been my priority." I replied taking off my sunglasses.

"Oh my god, look at you, you look like a zombie!" She exclaimed taking my head and tilting it side to side. "Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll have you all fixed up! Henry!"

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