Chapter 1

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(Authors note: this is my first story in first person so im hoping its ok! tell me what ya think!)

*Chapter 0ne :)

Here I am on another Thursday night doing the same old thing with the same old people. Now don't

get me wrong my Thursday night weren't uneventful. Playing poker after work with my cousins,

drinking a few beers then heading to bed. Normally I can say what will happen, when it will happen

and with who...(Technically thats my gift) but here lately I've felt like my life kind of sucks. Before this it wasn't the same old

routine. I was the oldest daughter of the "Great Ryan McKeadies". Oh how my life has changed in

the short two years since I've been away. As the old saying goes "History is destined to repeat

itself." I sure the hell hope not.

 I pulled my truck around the back of Marge's and found all  of their trucks lined up. they were

always on time, Mostly because they went to see Wade before coming down to the bar. That was

alas the highlight of my night. I never knew I could be unconditionally devoted to one guy.

"Yo, Abi." Parker yelled from behind the bar. the loud country music flowed through the  bar. Parker

stood well over six foot tall, well built and he was a ginger. Damn gingers. He has beautiful sea

green eyes like mine that caused people to think we were related, after two years we just nodded

and agreed. it was so much simpler and that meant i couldn't get into trouble for yelling at people

who were stupid. yes, i get very annoyed with stupid, simple people.

"Hey baby want to drive my stick shift?" the drunken man slurred at me. i had to roll my eyes. this

was one of the hazards of my job, clearly forgetting that i still had my shop clothes on. i looked down

at my grease stained hands.  I looked back at the drunk man who had rudely come on to me. I

growled deep in my chest, hoping Captain weenie over there took the hint. The man backed off.

thank god. I didn't want to deal with anymore stress today.

"About damn time Abi, we've been waiting for an hour." that came from my cousin Massen.

He also stood well over 6 foot tall, but he had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Sorry" I raised my hands up in surrender. I pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail and took a seat

next to Noah, also my cousin. He had short shaggy black hair and blue eyes. I still wasn't sure how

i was related to these guys. they could literally be underwear models. My oldest cousin, Kale, was

an under ware model for Calvin Klein. I'm fairly sure i got the small end of the gene pool. 

"what took you so long?" kale asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"I needed to finish the differential on Kandi's truck before she went ape shit on Wyatt's ass again. I swear that girl breaks that truck more than anyone I know."

Noah handed me a cup of some ungodly concotion, i wrinkled my nose when i smelled it.

"C'mon, just drink it. we need you a little drunk this time." That was Massen.

All for Wade (Book 1 of the 'McKeadies' series)(Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now