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***Harry’s pov***
I smirked and bowed to Angel who was sat at the table with Kenny , i nodded to my body guard and he stood behind Kenny’s chair “Angel Williams will you dance with me “ i said , everyone looked at us and Angle gulped , i smirked knowing she is shy and she will have to say yes , she nodded and i grabbed her hand leading her to the huge Dance floor , bright lights shined on us as we walked to the centre , I grabbed her hands and we started dancing , the over rich couples danced around is and i looked at the security and nodded and they put their hands over his mouth , i smirked and spinned Angel around :  weheartit.com/entry/62609581
she grinned and actually looked like she was enjoying it , i smiled and started singing the song softly making her giggle , i leaned into her ear , “You know i love you” i said
***Angel ’s pov***
I blushed when he said that, i use to hate this fucktard but now i don’t know! Something in my gut tells me to stay away but my heart tells me to stay with him , he’s dangerous i can tell but it just drags me in , the song ended and Harry ducked me and leaned in to kiss me - weheartit.com/entry/62660328
we pulled away to see everyone looking at us , i blushed and Harry smirked , we walked back to our table and i looked around “Where’s Kenny” i said confused and Harry’s smirk dropped
***Kenny’s pov***
I opened my eyes and groaned the last thing i remember was someone putting their horrible hand over my mouth, i looked around to see i was in a dark room, there was chains hanging from the wall where another girl was - weheartit.com/entry/58585570
I looked down and i was chained to the wall like that girl , she looked at me and laughed “Let me guess your 6 , 5 why are you here , anyway im Marlie , Im in here for trying to get my real sister back , Angle is my sister , i was took away from my mum and dad by social workers but they ran away from them taking Angle and when i find her my ex boyfriend Harry fucking styles has her as ‘his’ “ she said , my eyes widened “Why do you need to know my age , you could be a stalker and i don’t know why I’m here and i thought Angle was a only child , You went out with Harry!” i said she nodded rolling her eyes , and my jaw dropped as she started telling me Harry’s plan “I heard it when he was torturing me , he is going to get married to Angle and then get her pregnant  but he’s going to rape her or make her pregnant but seduce but before that he’s going to kill you... You’re getting in the way off his plan” she said and my mouth dropped what?
***Angel s pov***
“WHY” i cried in Harry’s shirt , he rubbed my back “Maybe he just didn’t like being with us , I’m sorry babey he ran away , i mean we could of adopted him , made him our own son” he said , suddenly he put me on his knee so i was straddling him , he wiped my tears away and forced me onto the bed , he pulled my dress of and started stripping me , “Harry...please...no” i said but he just ignored me , he went to the draw and got out some hand cuffs and a gag , he hand cuffed both my hands and feet to the posts of the bed and put the gag in my mouth , he leaned close as he got on top of me “It will be quick , how romantic im taking you virginity right” he said , wait how did he know i was a virgin and HOW DARE HE , I AM GONNA FUCKING KILL THIS BITCH , suddenly he pinched my shoulder and i blacked out...

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