t h r e e

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I changed Jess to Lilly and Katie to Danielle:) PEAZER FOREVER:D!

***Angel's pov***

I walked in the huge house gasping at every sight i looked at , Harry growled in annoyance and dragged me through the halls , he walked to a door , a large man with a yellow jacket was in front of it , as soon as he saw harry , his eyes widened and he opened the door straight away making Harry smirk , we walked in with Harry gripping my Hand , i got on my tip toes and looked over Harrys shoulder to see this: weheartit.com/entry/30133489/via/katerina_13

I gasped , the walls were painted red with golden patterns on , it was beautiful  lots of people in fancy suits and dresses were at the table , Harry lead me to the top of the table , he pulled the seat that was on the side and put it next to the main one , he sat in one and looked at me , i gulped and sat down next to him making him grin , i heard someone sit down and i looked to see a beautiful boy  , he had brown hair up in a fancy quiff and beautiful bluey,green eyes , Harry noticed him and looked at one of his body guards and nodded , he leaned into my ear “Babe go with Mick for 5 minutes kay” he said , i nodded and walked of confused , maybe he  was hiding me , he was inbarssed by me!

***Harry’s pov***

i growled , “Tomlinson” i spat , making him turn to me “Styles” he replied laughing “I heard you came in with a lady , probley just mistaken one of your body guards as a girl” he said laughing , i rolled my eyes as Lilly pouted her fake lips

This is Lilly: weheartit.com/entry/59704941/via/BubbleGuumm

Yep typical fake blonde hair , fake boobs , fake lips , fake girl , Like every day she has a tiny bit of face on her make up:P

Just then all the girls and lads came other ,

Mae: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=81792669

Lilly: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=81792676

Danielle: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=81792687

Perrie: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=81792698

“So single again Harry” Louis said laughing

“No actually” i said getting up

***Angle’s pov*** (Abit mature)

I laughed and Suddenly harry barged in the room , he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the dinner table “Everyone this is my girlfriend Angle” Harry said kissing my hand , They all gasped and stood up , first it was a girl with brown curly hair and a vintage dress “Hi im Danielle this is my fiancé Liam” she said and they both smiled and sat down , a boy with a black quiff stood up and smiled “Im zayn and this is my girlfriend Perrie” he said , they waved and sat down “Im Louis babe , but you can call me tonight” he winked , Harry growled and Louis smirked and winked at me , just then a girl stood up , she had fake blonde hair with brown roots , “Im Lilly “ she said annoyed ,  i gulped and sat down next to Harry and ate the dinner that was being served , Harry excused himself to go to the toilet and Lilly was in another room passed out , Just then Louis sat next to me , “Hi” i spoke making him grin , he put his hand on my leg and squeezed it making me jump , he leaned into my neck “Don’t act like you don’t like it” he growled , i whimpered making him chuckle in the crook of my neck , he kissed my cheek and made his hand higher making me jump , his hand travelled to my ‘area’ making me jump , he laughed and put pressure on it , i squeled loudly making everyone look at me , Louis hand was took of me and he grabbed my hand under the table  , everyone went back to eating a Louis tralled my hand closer to him, my eyes widened when i realzed where he was going , he pushed my hand on his trousers where his ‘private’ part is hardly , he closed his eyes in pleasure , suddenly harry came back and narrowed his eyes when he saw Louis , he grabbed my wrist pulling me out of my seat and luckily my hand of Louis ‘little friend’ , thank god! Me and Harry went back to the car and he didn’t even talk to me whats up with him!

***After car ride***

Harry dragged me to a bedroom: weheartit.com/entry/55086290/via/_Goddess_

And pushed me on the bed “HOW DARE YOU” he growled angrily “What did i do” i whimpered, “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID” he yelled , Harry flipped me over on the bed and unzipped my dress of and sided it down my body , he took my shoes off and threw them against the wall ,  He sat on the bed and i tried to crawl away but Harry grabbed my leg , He pulled me on his lap , “PLeasssee don’t hurt me Harry” i cryed , he growled “Stop talking”  , harry undid his trousers and pulled out his belt,SLAAPPP , i cried out with pain did harry just? Spank me? He kept hitting my bum , after 150 sore hits on the bum he kissed my hair “Dont ever make me mad again baby , you can sleep here tonight ill be right back” he cooed , he pulled me off his knee and stood me up and he walked out the room , i walked to mirror trying to ignore the pain and stood infront of it , my bum was a yellowy/greeny/bluey/blacky/red colour from the hits , At the start i thought harry was a nice man well nice-ish , but turns out he’s a monster , a devil , satin!

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