s e v e n P2

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***Louis’s pov***

I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair , i remember when i was poor , i use to live near Angle , we had amazing times , we were best friends , both poor and i fell for her hard , harder than anyone’s fell for anyone but then i met Harry , he took me in helped me make my own business and now im the 2nd ritchest person , i was going to go back for Angel , i used  Lilly because i knew Harry had a eye on her and then when i went back for angel , but she wasn’t there...

***Flash back***

I smirked and got out of my posh car, I turned my blue car lights off and looked round , everyone was looking , i rolled my eyes , i use to be like them , low life scums , i shook my head and walked to Angle’s flat door , i knocked and someone else answered confusing me “Em is Marie Williams and John Smtih here” i asked , she shook her head “They moved out , they live at 5 oakford drive” she said , i nodded and walked away and put the address in my car and drove to a house

i shook my head confused , i knocked on the door to see Maria (Angel’s mum) dressed all fancy

***End of flashback***

I shook my head remembering us in year 9

***Flash back***

I fixed my tie jokingly as the teacher yelled at me for uniform , just then someone knocked on the door , the teacher glared at me and he walked to the door where a girl with ginger hair was , she was smoking hot! She had peachy lips that were obvsually natural , she had shiny bluey green eyes that had a circle of hazel in and she had flawless features , she had dimples when she smiled and whenever she laughed it was like the angels were singing , i was snapped out of my day dream when Mr Miller shouted at me to go back to my seat , i rolled my eyes and wiped my dribble and sat back down in my seat blushing when my friend Nathan nudged me , he winked and looked the girl up and down , i rolled my eyes scoffing and looked at her , she looked pretty nervous and shy she obvsually didn’t like talking in front of big audiences! she walked behind the class as everyones eyes followed her and sat behind me , and pulled out a French book , oh she was from safe house! i turned around and smiled at her “Hi im Louis” i said grinning , i stuck  my hand out and she shook it “Im Angle” she said quietly , i smiled “You got a boyfriend” i said winking , she blushed and shook her head and my mouth dropped was she joking “My friends have them but i guess im forever alone” she said looking at the floor , “Same i broke up with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago” i said , she smiled and nodded

***End of flashback***

I smiled at the memory that was the best thing that ever happened in my life!I sighed and clenched my teeth , i needed angle I NEED HER!

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