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.***Angel’s pov***
I woke up in a posh bed that defiantly wasn’t my room , i tried to get out of bed but couldn’t because someone was holding me down , i frowned and looked down to see a arm , suddenly i was pulled close into the persons chest “Stay” the curly haired man who beat my bum black and blue last night said , i nodded not wanting to anger him , Harry’s head popped up and he sat up so his elbows were resting on the pillow , “Babe a stylist is coming in 5 minutes to pick your outfit , were going shopping in the richest town in London with Josh my other friend , he isn’t rich but he’s been my friend since i was a kid , Louis ew stay away from him okay! Liam, Dani, Zayn and Niall okay babe” Harry said, i nodded and Harry got out of the bed and held his hand out for me to get out , just then a knock on the door and the door was opened there stood a girl with brown hair and brown eyes , she looked really scared she was actually shaking with fear ,Harry’s eyes bubbled up with Anger just as he was about to snap i cut in so she wouldn’t get in trouble , i know how scary harry can be and i don’t want to put her through that pain! “Thank you for coming come in” i said , she nodded and came in ignoring Harry’s glare that was burning into her skin making her flinch , i looked at Harry “Can you please go i mean i need to get dressed “ i said , Harry nodded and kissed my cheek and walked down stairs , the girl sighed with relief “Thank you so much , I’m Tammy” she smiled , i smiled back and she opened the black bag she was carrying , it had a beautiful pink tight fitting blazer with bunched up sleeves and a black top that had strap shoulders , a paire of white lacey material , a brown leather bag and a pair of electric blue vans and a silver necklace that had spikes hanging from , “I hope you like it , i designed it for you” she said shyly , i gasped and looked at her with wide eyes , “Its beautiful you made this” i asked shocked , she nodded and pushed me into a chair “Now let me do your makeup and Hair” she said giggling , i smiled as she let my hair free from the scrunche i put it in last night “Your hair its beautiful natural red curls” she gasped making me laugh , she grabbed a brush and brushed through it lightly , she then hair sprayed it “It’s better natural” she said giggling , she did my makeup and walked out the room , i sighed and looked in the mirror smiling: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=82234893
I felt beautiful, i smiled at my reflection and just then a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist “You look beautiful” Harry murmured into the cruck of my neck , just then he started sucking it making me gasp , he pulled away and i saw a huge hickey , great! “Just checking now if people don’t recognise us they know your mine” Harry said, he pulled me out the room and walked down stairs and lead me to a posh car , and we
 read to a big big city
i got out the car with Harry gripping my hand tightly , we entered a posh building and got into a elevator , i gripped onto Harry as he smirked , as we got out the elevator i said “I hate elevators never again” Making him laugh , we then got to a posh room with lots of tables , weheartit.com/entry/53460528/via/Designer_Life
we sat on one just as the others came , Danielle smiled and waved at me as she sat next to me , everyone made convocation except me , “Hey Harry can i take Angel shopping , i mean she can gets some cute clothes we can go for a foot pedicure and then come back it be fun and we would get away from all you boys and have some girl time” Danielle said smiling , i looked at Harry with hope in my eyes and he sighed “Fine” he leaned close to my ear “If you try and run i will find you baby girl and Dani won’t let you run” he cooed in my ear , i nodded and harry pulled a wad of money out his wallet and my eyes widened “Harry you don’t have to give me this much it must be thousand“ i said gasping , harry chuckled and forced the money in my hand “1 Million to be exact spend it baby , nothing is good enough for my girl” Harry said grinning , i nodded shocked and put the money in my bag , and me and Dani exacted the building , Danielle grabbed me and yanked me into the first shop she saw , i felt bad spending Harry’s money but he didn’t mind , he had his own business and he’s the richest man in the world so who cares! I smiled i had finally got the clothes i wanted , in our school well when i went to school they had computers and i use to go on fashion websites and the stuff i wanted i would never get and now i had beautiful clothes like that: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=82238050
I smiled carrying my bags as me and Dani entered starbooks , “I’ll have a latte” i said “same as her please” Dani said , the mans eyes widned when he saw who we were and did our coffies quicker than you can say supercallafragilisticexpalidocious , he handed us our drinks “Have them for free” he said , i nodded feeling guilty and gave him a 100 pound tip , he smiled and thanked me and me and Dani sat down , dani grabbed one of my hands and looked at me seriously “I need to tell you something just don’t freak and tell Harry i told you okay” she said , i nodded and she frowned looking out the window and leaned in so her lips were at my ear “Harrys planning to get you a tattoo he wants ‘Property of Harry styles’ across your arse and on your hand , i heard him tell the guys before we walked away , he said he is going to do it himself and he’s going to strap you on the bed , he said he’d even knock you out if he had to , I’m sorry” Dani said , tears welled up in my eyes and dani pulled me in her embrace “I’m sorry babe” Dani said , i pulled away and wiped my tears away and my blackberry rung “Shit” i whispered when i saw the I.D , “Hello” i said trying to act normal “Where are you , ill pick you up , i want to leave , i have em something to do tonight” he said making me bite my lip , “starbooks” i said ,”Oh okay I’m round the corner come out “ he said , i hung up and walked outside but dani pulled my arm “Where you going” she said confused “Harry’s picking me up now” i said , she frowned and pulled me into a hug “Stay strong” she said and walked in the opposite direction calling someone probs Liam , Just then Harry’s car parked up and Harry leaned over and opened the door for me , “Get in babe” he said smirking , i got in ignoring him

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