~Chapter 7~

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~Xavier's POV~

Sweat trickled down my neck, the tense atmosphere doing nothing more but increase the intensity of the situation.

My opponent was nothing less than I had expected, heck, if I say so myself he was a little bit more. But nothing I couldn't handle.

His posture remained stiff but his gaze moved everywhere, calculating my every move, waiting for me to pounce but I knew better.

I scoffed before my eyes skimmed over to Jace, his pointer finger tapping his watch signalling that time was running out.

Nodding lightly so only he could see, I rushed over to the opponent. Taking him by surprise, he lifted his hands in a lame attempt of self defense.

I kicked him in the stomach, making him bend over in agony, taking the final chance I kneed him in the head before roundhouse kicking him to the floor.

Dead silence filled the alleyway, none one dared to move, all eyes were on my opponent.

My breathing came out uneven as the adrenaline rush came to an end. My eyes started burning at each blink but I didn't dare move my eyes off him.

After what seemed like eternity, which for me it was, the fight manager finally confirmed the winner.

"And the winner is... X!" 

Chants of my name grew around me as I watched the people who had bet on me collect their prizes, one of them being my own best friend.

Ignoring his smirk I made my way over to my jeep, which was parked on the side of the curb. I grabbed the cold water bottle from the back and gushed down its contents sighing in content.

"Slow down there horsey." I flipped him off ignoring his existence.

Obviously not liking my actions he resorted by punching me in the shoulder only making the pain around my body grow. "You fucktard!" I growled making him chuckle.

"Fucktard? That's new, but I've been called worse." He muttered making me raise my eyebrow.

"Like what?" I asked, making my way into the driver seat whilst Jace jumped into the passenger seat.

"Your best friend."

"Ha - ha, your jokes get better and better every day." I muttered resting my head against the head rest.

"Who said I was joking?" I elbowed him lightly in the stomach before taking out the keys and starting the jeep.

Once we were on the road my thoughts suddenly drifted off to Ashley.

Ashley, even the thought of her made me feel... weird.

Even though I had known her for just a little while, she brought new emotions in me that I had never felt before and that scared me. 

In just a few days, she managed to surprise me and leave me shocked. Be it from defending someone, or helping someone, she still managed to leave me speechless.

"Is it necessary to want something from the two? Can't I do it from the goodness of my heart?" 

I had seen her around school before, she was in some of my classes before and never had we interacted, but now meeting her and actually spending time with her I felt... Good.

I felt light, as if I was a good person.

Helping Joseph and Clarice just made me feel so good, that I have the ability to fix my life, that I can make a difference.

I was beginning to see everything in a new light all because of one girl, and that scared me.


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