~Chapter 4~

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~Xavier's POV~

"How do chickens have sex?"

"Jace - one more stupid questions and I will personally, hurt you." I muttered before continuing to pluck out the fresh green grass.

It was currently lunch time, and as usual, this dickhead and I were sat on the lawn outside the canteen. This was our usual lunch time place, when it wasn't raining of course.

It was quiet, calm and most importantly, away from people. Though, there were a few odd group of seniors laying chatting but nothing as busy as the hell inside.

"You know Xavier - We must really work on your people skills." I heard him say before laying on the grass. Without looking at him I shoved him the middle finger before placing the hand over my eyes, blocking out the harsh sun.

"My people skills are fine." I muttered.

"You and I have entirely different definitions of fine." He teased. Not bothering to come up with a reply any more I just sighed in response.

A few moments of silence passed making me question if the idiot was still there but my thoughts were broken when a shadow stood above me.

"Oi, dickhead, move. You're blocking out more of the sun than usual." I waited a few moments, but the shadow remained unmoved.

"Did you go deaf or something?" I asked, waiting again. Finally giving up, without opening my eyes I reached over and grabbed his legs, pulling him down on the plush grass.

A girlish scream filled the air making my eyes snap open rise to a standing position. A howl of laughter caused me to tense, laughter I recognized to be Jace's.

If Jace is over there then who..?

I eyed the figure, whom I thought was Jace, with caution.

Last time I checked, Jace was a male and this person, by the looks of it was most definitely not.

Not checked like that you perverts.

The female figure slowly turned around, her back now on the grass as to where she face planted, before meeting my harsh glare.


My eyes snapped to Jace's who was biting his lip in amusement obviously attempting to contain his laughter at my stunt.

"That's a lovely way to treat a girl." Sarcasm dripped her voice as she attempted to stand up, failing terribly making Jace snicker.

"In my defense, I thought you were that dickhead." I said whilst pointing at Jace was just rolled his eyes.

"You know what, Xav. I would really appreciate it if you would stop calling me dickhead, yano?" Jace threw me a disgusted look before smiling politely at Ashley, who returned it.

"And I would appreciate it if you could jump off the face of the earth, but here we are." I spat making him give me the finger.

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated."

"Neither is your face." He threw me a final scowl before focusing all his attention on Ashley.

"What brings you here?" The amusement that once laid on Ashley's face was wiped before being replaced by a nervous look.

Whilst waiting for a reply, I gave her the once over. Her brown hair, as usual was tied up in a high pony tail with a small puff at the beginning. She was wearing a light grew jumper with black skinny's and black combat boots.

As my gaze once again met hers, my attention was focused on her now flushed cheeks. She avoided my gaze by looking towards the grass, telling me silently I was caught in the act of checking her out.

Well - fuck.

"Erm - guys, I'm still here." Both our heads snapped to Jace's, who was looking between us two with a small smirk. "Now Ashley, I'll ask again. What brings you here?"

Her eyes grew wide and panicked making me and Jace look at each other in confusion. "I- well I- I wanted to erm -" She stuttered.

We waited a few more seconds before I finally spoke up, "Spit it out."

"I need you to kidnap someone for me."

And that was when my whole life, turned around.


"You want me to what!" I shouted making everyone, including Jace jump.

She wanted me to what?!

"Are you mental?" I questioned before pacing up and down the lawn, "Me? Kidnap someone? The hell do I look like?!"

"Well obviously, according to her, a kidnapper." Jace declared.

"Shut it Irvin." I growled. Jace surrendered his hands before moving his amused gaze to Ashley, who looked panicked as ever.

Her eyes were squeezed shut making me reflect back to the moment outside the bakery. She looked so scared then, but now, she looked petrified.

For once, my heart felt heavy. Heavy because I was able to inflict such an emotion on someone like her.

Did - Did I feel... bad?

My thoughts were yet again broken by the scattered stuttering, "Let me explain, well you see, it's not much of a kidnapping. It's more of bringing someone back to someone he loves. Joseph, he loves Clarice but his family disagree's and have locked him up inside the house. They're blocking him from contacting her and everything, I just need you to bring him out of the house and take him to Clarice. That's all, I'd do it myself but I don't have the muscle and neither do I look like a kidnapper. " She explained making me and Jace share a look.

"And I do?" I spat out, hurt evident in my voice.

Whoa - where the hell did that come from Slade?

Her eyes widened as she took in my tone before regret filled her complexion, "Ah shit. No I didn't mean it like that, but it's just you look scary and tough and well, I'm me?" She muttered avoiding my gaze.

I ran my hands through my hair, shaking it slightly before stating, "No." 


"No." I stated in a 'That's final tone' before making my way inside.

The hell.

"Xavier!" Her small voice called out, if I hadn't been blinded by rage I would have stopped, but I didn't.

I ignored her attempts to get me to listen and made my way into the secluded corridor, hoping for some peace and quiet.

Just as I was about to turn the final corner a small hand latched onto my elbow making me halt.

"Listen - I know that came out so wrong, but you have to understand, I'm desperate. I need you to do this for me. Please."

I thought for a few seconds, before finally making up my mind.

What could possibly go wrong, it's not like it's illegal or anything.

Oh wait - It is.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, I gave up.

"Front parking lot. After school." And with that I walked away.

Just as I was about to turn a small corner, I looked back to see her stood where I had left her. A large grin growing on her face as she did a small happy dance, looking like an absolute retard.

A cute retard.


'Sanity? Yeah, I've heard of that, sounds a bit dull." - Ashley Tate.

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