~Chapter 3~

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~Xavier's POV~

One question I frequently get asked is: 'Why do you hate people?'

The answer is simple, well simple enough for me.

People are dickheads.


I said it. Sue me.

It's best to keep your distance from everyone, it's best to stay in your own lane. I always believed that.

Never, had I ever thought, it would be me; going against my own words.

Sitting outside the principles office was something I was quite familiar with.

Be it for being purposely late, swearing at teachers, threatening students, showing signs of aggression or for being caught in attempts of bunking.

But sitting outside a principles office because I decided to stand up for a kid getting beaten up, was something new.

For everyone.

Hence the weird looks I had received while making my way to his office.

I eyed the bandage which was now wrapped around the knuckles of my right hand. Images of the scene flashed into my head.

Anger filled my veins as images of Nathan's beaten up form ran through my mind.

-Flashback to this morning-

"Jace - I swear to God. Tell one more person we're best friends... I will hurt you." I muttered into the phone as I made my way through the school gates and past the main hall.

"Why don't you want to admit it best friend?" I could hear his smirk all the way through the phone making me groan.

"Jace - Shut the fuck up and get your ass in here. I'm not dealing with these little bitches on my own." I eyed a bunch of students, mainly girls, laughing and shouting at each other.

"Aren't you just a charmer, calm your moody side be there in 10. Bye best friend." I was about to start shouting yet again when the slight beeping of phone made me stop.

The bitch hung up.


I inwardly groaned as I made my way to the back of the building, glaring at each and every student that was shouting like no tomorrow.

I watched as 2 girls ran and hugged each other, each screaming in glee.

Honestly, shut up. It's Thursday, you saw her yesterday.

Rubbing my temples, I had almost made it outside, key word: almost, when one sentence caught my attention.

"Some one's beating Nathan!"

Nathan, meaning the kid from the cafeteria on Monday.

The boy Ashley was standing up for.

My ears perked as a crowd started forming around the main corridors.

Sighing, I made my way to eye the commotion. As I made my way towards the center, pushing people not so subtly, I listened to the comments being passed around.

"Someone should do something!"

"Call the nurse!"

"Call a teacher!"

"Oh my God!"

"Someone get Ashley!"

Once I reached the center, I froze at the side before me.

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