|Chloë|Chapter 1|

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Chapter 1

Going to Florida

Chloë's POV

I sat in bed writing songs with my head phones on listening to music. When my father runs into my room.

"CHLO! News!"

"Hmm? Oh sorry headphones."

I took off my headphones.

"Chloë! We have big news!"

"And that is?"

"WE'RE MOVING TO FLORIDA! And no one knows who you are so your a surprise because I haven't told anyone you have existed yet."

"Eh. Oh well. Well were moving to a great place for me to do music so I'm down!"

"Awesome! So our furniture will take a while to get there so we are going to pack a suitcase for a week of stuff. Then we are going to pack up everything else until we have nothing left but our furniture. So I would recommend to start packing because we leave in two days."

"Ok cool. I don't have much because I'm very preservative so this won't be so hard."

"Ok then I'll see you for Lunch soon."

"Kk. Bye dad."

"Bye Chlo."

He left the room and i started gathering small things into some boxes.

This is going to be a lot of work but totally worth it. And I get to go live in the US! I live in Canada so I've only been to the US for conventions.

So then I decided to tweet about it.


Moving to Florida! If I can I will have a meet up there soon! Xx

Hmm. Now we got to figure out all the people there and all their names. But if I could remember everyone in my studio's names I can remember like 15 people. I hope.

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