|Ben|Chapter 1|

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"BEN, GET UP NOW WE WILL BE LATE FOR THE FLIGHT!" I hear my mom yell up the hallway. You may be thinking, where are you going? Well my dad has friends in Florida and wants to go see them as it has been a while since he last saw them so we are going to visit and also go house hunting there so we are closer to his friends and because our flat is too small for the three of us. Mom and dad have told me that dads friends all have kids too and most are about my age I am kinda looking forward to meeting them because I have never actually met any of my dads YouTube friends.

I finished my morning routine in 10 minutes then went to the front door with my suitcase for the trip a d my dad sighed loudly "Finally now we can go"

The flight wasn't very long so I didn't really do anything while on the plane. Just after we landed my dad pulled out his phone and called one of his friends, Brandon or Pete he goes by both. They had just landed as well so we went to go meet them and wait for 'The Pack' to come pick us up.

Another family of three came over and my dad started smiling like a goof and said "Petey! Kara! It has been a while, how are you guys?" "Hello Kenny, Korie. And this must be your son?" A woman whom I took to be Kara said happily "Oh yeah. This is our son Ben. Ben this is Brandon or Pete, Kara and their daughter Alison" my dad replied and the girl my age that was with the couple looked shocked that my dad knew her name but then walked forward and said sweetly "Hi, you guys can call me Allie" after about 5 minutes of talking between the six of us I heard a man scream "KENNY, PETE! DOODS YOU MADE IT!" to which my dad and Brandon just laughed "Preston mate long time no see" my dad answered then Brandon asked "Yeah so who else is here?" To which Preston motioned behind himself and five other guys and two young girls came walking up. "Oh Allie and Ben. This is 'The Pack' this is Mitch, Jerome, Vikk, Rob, Lachlan and Preston" dad said pointing towards each individual. The six all said hi and then Mitch spoke "So we have three cars each with seven seats so Brandon you Kara and Allie are coming with me and Rob. Kenny, Korie and Ben you are going with Vikk and Lachlan. And all of your bags will go with Preston, Jerome and the girls. So we will take you all to your hotel to check in and then we have to go buy lunch for our bunch of trouble makers." We all just follow Mitch out to the cars and pack everything in them.  Driving off to the hotel.

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I love you all Jaz Xx

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