Part 3 - Failure

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Phil’s POV


I rolled around in my bed. I was so restless and confused. While being the happiest I've been in weeks, I was miserable. I was with Dan again. My Dan. The Dan. And I couldn't be more thankful. Screw the others at school! They can judge all they want. With Dan's tender kisses and gentle care, I could care less about everything else. But that was until now. I've never seen Dan's father this angry. He could split us up!

"Stop it Phil. Trust what Dan said and believe that nothing can tear us apart."

So I did. But I was still worried about Dan. I couldn't just lay here. Could I?

Obviously I couldn't, 'cause there I was on my way to Dan's house. I just needed to see if he was okay. Because I had a terrible feeling when I left his house. But how was I getting in? The front door was off limit. I looked up at his open window.

"I'll fucking crawl up if necessary." I said to myself.

And that's when I noticed the ladder. And moments later I was silently on my way up the ladder to his window. When I got closer to the window, I could suddenly hear the yelling coming from his parents.

"How can you be so selfish, it's your son's happiness we're talking about!?" his mum yelled.

"Have you read the bible lately, woman?! It's unnatural?!" he yelled back.

"Unnatural?! It could've just as well been you!"

"Don't you dare talk about me like that, this is about Daniel!"

I crawled up higher and looked inside. I couldn't see Dan, so I silently hopped in. And that's where I noticed Dan sitting on the edge of his bed with his headset on. I stepped closer, and first there he noticed me. He had tears running down his cheeks. He removed the headset, as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He sighed deeply and cried on my shoulder.

"They..." he managed to say, before he sobbed into my shoulder again.

I stroked his back and kissed the top of his head again and again.

"They've been fighting like that ever since you left." he then said.

I kissed his cheek and held him close into me. We stood like that, holding each other, for a couple of minutes. Then Dan breathed out heavily and lay down on his bed. I stood a bit awkwardly and looked at him.

"The door is locked." he said.

I sighed and lay down next to him. I started stroking his arm. You could still clearly hear his parents yelling downstairs, but he still seemed a bit calmer now. Mean comments were thrown at each other.

"He's your son!" his mum shouted.

"He's a FAILURE!" his dad yelled.

Dan gasped and quickly sat up. He breathed fast, and it sounded like he had trouble breathing. I threw my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I possibly could. He now cried loudly. I just held him close into me. His parents yelled for a couple more minutes, before we heard a door slam downstairs, and then there was total silence. He lay down and buried his face in my chest.  Moments later he fell asleep.

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