Take A Bow

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Make a wish no one's ever heard before,

Say a prayer so it doesn't hurt so bad,

Take a breath to ease the pressure,

Get in line so you don't have to wait,

Take a bow cause you know you deserve it,

Take a break cause you know that you earned it,

Whisper so it doesn't wake anyone up,

Scream because you can't hold it in forever,

Fake a smile to cover up the pain,

Grit your teeth and bear the weight,

Close your eyes against the light,

Deafen your ears to the critisism,

Turn your back to hipcracy,

Throw the dice to win the game,

Turn the table to start again,

Cover your face so they don't see you cry,

Dream so you'll never really wake up,

Write so that you'll live forever,

Sing so everyone will see you shine,

Make yourself known so they know when you die,

Stand tall and show them you can fight,

Believe so you will never grow up,

Smile because you know you'll be okay,

Cry because you know it won't last,

Sleep because tomorrow you might have to fight,

Stay warm to keep the freezing cold away,

Keep smiling, it's the only thing besides the pain.

Poems of a Teenage CynicWhere stories live. Discover now