Chapter nineteen

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[F I V E M O N T H S L A T E R]

*phils pov*
Dan had been back at home for a few weeks now. He still hadn't remembered our relationship before he fell into a coma and I didn't know how to tell him. I don't think he even likes me in that way anymore.

Ever since he woke up, he seems to be distant. He always daydreaming and looking out the window.

I'll ask him if he'd like to play Mario kart with me but he says no.
I'll ask him if he wants to watch anime together but, he says no.

Sometimes at night, I hear him pacing up and down in his room. Then soon after, I'll hear the front door to our apartment slam shut.
I wonder where he goes at 3 in the morning, but I don't ask.

My thoughts were soon interrupted as I heard the front door slam. It's 9am.
"Dan, is that you?" I called as I came out my bedroom still dressed in my pyjamas.

He grunted as he pushed passed me and into his room.
"Dan, what the hell?" I grabbed his shoulder to pull him back.
Stupid mistake.

He pushed me up against the wall with his left hand around my neck.
"Touch me again and you're dead" he spat. His breath stank of alcohol. He glared at me before letting go of me and returning to his room only to slam the door in my face. Shocked, I didn't know what else to do but stand there.

What's happened to Dan?
What's happened to the boy I loved?

This whole year has been a mess. It's only July, but still. I guess 2012 is just not my year.

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