BAAM (22)

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There in front of me was Marcus. Or was he Reagan? My dreams of Reagan were starting to confuse me to the point that I now couldn't tell who was who. Taking a closer look I realized that it was Marcus. Paying attention to the littlest details were now coming handy. Marcus would have a clean face, no facial hair at all. Whereas Reagan would have a five o'clock shadow. Marcus' features were boyish while Reagan looked liked like he'd seen a lot in his short twenty years. Reagan also had a bit more muscle, but like Marcus, wasn't like a bodybuilder. One other thing were the eyes. Reagan's eyes were a shade or two darker green. This here was Marcus. I should have known.

"What are you doing in my room?" I demanded more than asked. I sat up, letting the blanket fall to my lap before realizing I wasn't wearing a bra and quickly drew it up to my chest and wrap it around me.

Marcus sat on my bed just an inch from my legs. "Dallas told me about last night. I need to know what happened before he got there."

"It's a long, and quite frankly, boring story. One that I'm not willing to tell."

"Holly!" His voice had become demanding. "You need to tell me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Tell me what happened."

This was starting to get on my nerves. I was getting sick of him thinking I had to obey him and do as he said. That he thought he could force me if I didn't want to do or say something. It was going to stop now. "I'm not you're puppet, Marcus. I don't have to tell you something just because you want answers. It was a bit traumatic for me, and I spent half the night tossing and turning, my sleep filled with nightmares, so I don't want to talk about it, and since I don't want to, I won't." I laid back down and flung the covers over my head. Out of sight, out of mind.

I felt the bed shift as Marcus reached over and drew the covers away from my face. "Holly, you're my mate, and rather you like it or not, you do have to tell me what happened. And as your mate and alpha, I'm telling you - demanding you - to tell me."

Sitting up a little I narrowed my eyes and sneered, "I don't have to tell you anything." I snatched the covers back over my head and demanded himto get out. As I heard the door start to shut, knowing that he could hear me, I whispered, "I'm not you little bitch," and then there was the soft click of the door latch.

It was hours before I got out of bed. I didn't want to face the day, or what was left of it. I didn't want to face my parents, afraid they'd give the whole "I told you so" speech. I didn't want to face Marcus, already knowing what he wanted from me. I didn't want the chance of running into one of the pack members, or worse, if I left home. There was only one thing I could do and that was stay in my room all day. And the next. And the next, until I became a shriveled old lady that everyone would consider to be an old grump. It was Saturday and I wanted to spend it in my room, surrounded by my own things that I knew could give me any kind of speech or that would try to kill me.

Mom knocked on my door a few times, asking if we could talk. When I refused she asked dad to try to get me to talk to him. And when that didn't work, they even tried to send in Chris. I wasn't going to open my door for anybody. Sadly, the door didn't need to be open for someone to barge in through the french doors that led to the balcony, and that somebody was, yes, Marcus.

"You again? What part of my telling you to get out did you not understand?"

He crossed his arms and leaned against my dresser. "I understood all of it - you didn't say to stay out."

I walked over to my bedroom door and flung it open, revealing the hallway. "Well then, get out, and stay out."

Coming over to me he shut the door, but stayed in my room. "You can't stay in here forever."

"Oh yeah? Watch me," I replied as I shoved my arms across my chest and plopped down on one of my comfy seats.

Marcus crossed the room and sat in the chair opposite of me. "I'm not asking for much, Holly. I just want, need, to know what happened. What did Eliza say or do to you?"

Snapping my head to the side to look at him, I asked, "Why do you care so much, Marcus? Why?"

His answer was quick. "Because you're my mate."

"Well, that's not what I've heard." I stood up and went to look out my glass doors.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded.

Looking back over to him I replied, "Reagan's been coming to me in my dreams. He tells me I'm his true mate."

Marcus looked at me in shock. Then, that shock quickly turned into anger.

NEWS: So some of you may, or may not, like this. I am planning on making this story a four book series. I actually thought of everything that's going to happen and how one thing leads to another and have come to the conclusion of making four books of BAAM. It's a working process and soon this book will be done and I'll be working on the next one. Just thought you'd like to know.

Thanks everyone!! Until (hopefully) tomorrow. broken-pixie <3

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