Chapter 25

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I sat in ISS, staring at the clock, with my head phones in, and tapping my pencil on my desk. I listened to the song that played and tried to match the beat of the song to my pencil.

Let them know we're still rock n roll...

"I don't care about my make-up
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up. Don't know how to keep my mouth shut. You say, "So what (what)?""

Then the chorus came and I went crazy with my pencil.

"When it's you and me, We don't need no one to tell us who to be. We'll keep turning up the radio. What if you and I, Just put up a middle finger to the sky. Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n roll! Rock 'n Roll! Hey! Hey!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Miss James!" Someone screamed, though it sounded like a muffle through my head phones, at me.

I tore out a head phone and gave the ISS teacher a look. She returned the look and went back to her book. I think it was called Sold to a Vampire.

I laid back on my chair with a smile and closed my eyes. Within five minutes, I was fast asleep.

* * *

I stood in a dark hallway. Every light had been broken and the windows have been black out. I could barely see my hand.

A low shuffle of feet could be heard. I looked around, trying to place where the sound was coming from. It seemed to be moving around me.

I took a step, but was halted by something holding me back. I bent down and reached down to my ankle. I felt something cold and metal, attached to it was a long trail of the same material, bolted to the floor.

Someone had chained me in the middle of a dark hallway. I looked desperately on the floor or some sort of key or something to free me from the chains. When I couldn't find anything, I just decided to pull on the chain and hope for it to break.

"Hello Emily." My head shot up and I dropped the chain.

It was too dark to see who it was, but I knew exactly who it was. I felt my fists clinch tight in a ball.

"What are you doing here? Where am I? Why am I chained?" I blurted out a million questions at once.

"We are inside your head, my dear. I was brought here to help you." The voice said.

"Who are you? Why did you chain me here, of all places?" I asked, eager to get more information.

The person came closer. I felt it grab my chin and felt its stare on me. "You know exactly who I am, Emily." The person flung me back and I landed on my bottom. "And for you being chained- this is where it happened, and this is where it needs to be fixed."

"What needs to be fixed?" I asked.

"Your future." The voice said.

Suddenly a light flashed in front of me. I shielded my eyes from the harsh light and slowly let them adjust. Looking back at the light I saw a woman. She looked in her late twenties or early thirties. She began to bag a man's groceries, a sad expression covered her face.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked. But there was no answer. The person disappeared.

Then another image appeared. It was the same woman, she was now home. She lived in a tiny, gross house. Moss and cracks covered all over. The woman walked inside and slumped on the couch.

I didn't know what looked worse, the outside or the inside. Inside there sat empty food wrappers, empty and broken beer bottles, fur, and stained clothes covered the room.

The woman sat up and called a name like Olivia and a skinny cat walked over to her. She me owed and fell to the floor.

"What- who is this?" I asked. Still no answer.

I looked back to the image and looked at the woman. Something was very familiar about her.

"You know her. Come on Emily, use that brain of yours." The voice finally called out.

I stared at her, trying to figure out what she meant. Then everything came crashing down on me.

"Is- is that me?" I asked, shaky.

"Yes." The voice said.

"What happened?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"After you left Axel, things went down hill. You rebelled and ended up getting kicked out of high school. Having no education worthy for a job, you had to get a job at Publix as a bagger. Without Axel, your life turned to crap. You tried to get a pet, but just like the many before, they didn't last. You became a slob and gave up on dating." The voice explained.

"But, I left Axel to protect him. Why is this happening to me?" I asked historically.

"Without Axel, everything seemed meaning less. You decided to never tell him and let him go." The voice explained.

"What about Axel? What happened to him?" I was eager to see him, even if it was just in this messed up dream or nightmare or whatever.

The person waved their hand and the image changed. It was now a man with a suit case in his hand. A small figure ran up to him and he smiled. He picked up the figure and held him tight. A woman came into the show and gave him a peck on the lips. The woman was none other than Harley herself and the small figure was a child, male.

"Axel was heart broken. He loved you so much, he would do anything for you. But after you left him he tried to get you back, but you thought you were protecting him by leaving. He then married Harley and had a child. But he's not really happy, he just puts on a show and acts like he's happy."

"But I still see him though, don't I?" The person shook its head.

"Things got so bad between you and Axel, that your parents just broke up and decided to see other people." I felt my heart break. In the process of losing Axel, my father lost Amanda.

"What?" I gasped.

"You see Emily? Without Axel, you are nothing. You need him, and he needs you. You need to tell him, you need to go back to him. You two were meant to be." The person began to walk towards the image.

"Wait!" I screamed. The person froze and turned. "How will I know he will take me back?"

The person smiled. "You know what to do. If you truly love him and he truly loves you, it will work out."

"Thanks-" I said wanting it to say its name.

"Emily, I think you already know who I am." It said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, Emily." I said. The other Emily nodded and walked through the image. I felt dizzy and everything went black.

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