Chapter 8

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When Axel and I got home from school, we found my dad and his mom sitting on the couch. My dad was first to notice our presence. "Where were you? School ended four hours ago." My dad said walking up to us.

"I know. We had detention today." I stated bluntly. My dad gave us a look. "But to be fair, I didn't do anything. My teacher thought I was cheating on a test, but I swear I wasn't."

"And what did you do for detention, mister?" My father said crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow. Axel scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, it's a funny story..." My father wasn't amused. "I asked the teacher for help and she said she wouldn't help me and told me to go sit down. So I got mad. When she left the classroom I poured glue all over her seat. Then someone tattled on me, so I flipped his desk over. I got ISS and three weeks of detention." He stated.

"Axel Lexi Braxton!" His mother exclaimed. I giggled at his middle name and his eyes widened.

"Mother! Don't say my middle name! It's embarrassing!" Axel yelled with his fists clinched.

"Too bad! You are grounded for a week!" His mother yelled and pointed to the stairs.

"And as for you young lady, you are also grounded." My dad said sternly.

"What?! But I didn't even do anything." I whined like a five year old child, having a tantrum.

"There is no way you got detention for doing nothing." He replied.

"But-" I started.

"No 'buts'. Go to your room, young lady." He said. I know I've been to detention before, but that was when I actually did something, like punch someone or trip someone in the halls on purpose. But even then I wouldn't get grounded. See how parents work?

I let out a groan and walked up stairs to my bedroom. I threw my bag down and flopped on to my bed. I know was being a little over dramatic, but I didn't care.

I heard a soft knock at my door. "What?" I said in a tired voice.

"Can I come in?" Axel called from the other side of the door.

"Sure. Why not." I said sarcastically.

He walked in and closed my door. He walked over to my bed and sat down. "I want to talk about what happened today." He stated.

"Okay..." I drawled.

"Julian is someone you don't want to go near or even look at. We have a history together and it's not good. I just wanted to say stay away from him. He's dangerous and he will use you to get to me." He informed me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you going to tell me about you two?" I said.

"No." He said. "It's better if you don't know."

I scoffed. "Okay. So some guy from your past threatens me, and I'm not allowed to know how you know him?" I could feel my angry boil inside of me.

"Emily. Just don't go near him. He's a bad person and he will do anything to get his way." He grabbed my hand.

"What do you mean 'get his way'?" I asked.

"I mean, he will try to sleep with you and just end up breaking your heart to get what he wants."

I turned my head away from him and looked at the wall to my left. I was mad and didn't want to look at him right now.

"Emily. Look at me." He said. I shook my head and said no.

Axel grabbed my chin and looked at me. "Listen. I have to go to that party on Saturday. So I want you to cover for me." His statement shocked me.

"What? Why? You said you wouldn't go-" I began to rant when he cut me short.

"I know what I said, but things have changed. I need to go and deal with something. Please just stay here and don't do anything stupid. All I'm asking you is to cover for me." He said staring intensely at me.

"What do you need to deal with?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"It's none of your concern." He snapped.

My head shot up at him. None of my concern? I'm pretty damn sure it is my concern.

"No. It is my concern. You can't just go to me and say I need you to cover for me because you need to 'deal with something!' That's not the way a family works." I yelled at him.

"Well, I wouldn't know..." He said, not going to finish.

"Right. You'd not going to finish your sentences now? Okay yea, I get it." I said get up. I walked to the bedroom door and opened it. I was about to walk out of the bedroom when the door slammed close and wall of flesh pressed against me.

A gasp left my lips at the sudden movement. I turned slowly, trying to face Axel. But it was hard because he was so close to me.

Axel stared at me and I stared at him, intense with silence. Our chest collided with every breath. Axel leaned down so we stared directly at each other. His face was so close to mine I feel my breath hitch in my throat.

"I know your mad. But you have to trust me. He's bad news." He whispered to me. I felt his cool minty breath blow onto my face.

He pulled his hand away from me and stood up straight. I moved out of the way as Axel proceeded to the bedroom door. Opening it, he turned to me. "Sweet dreams, sweet cheeks." And with that he left.

I regained myself from my state of shock. What just happened?

I walked over to my closet and opened the door. There was no way I was going to let Axel go to that party alone. All there really was was hoodies, loose tops, and play dresses.

"Looks like I have to go shopping." I said with a sigh. It not that I didn't like shopping, I just didn't like dress shopping.

I walked over to my bed and sat down. Opening my folder I pulled out my math packet.

Question 1...

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