Ghost Dare

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Me: hey guys!

All: yeah?

Me: I survived my three chapters of no magic! *starts to look a bit nervous*

Bill: Is, something wrong?

Me: nope! Totally fine! *bites my lip and forces back tears while hiding my hand behind my back*

Dipper: You sure?

Me: uh huh! Can I have my magic back now please?

Mason: I know something's up. Jewel, can I see your hand?

Me: nope. I'm good *glances to the left*

Mabel: she's lying!

Me: no I'm not!

Wendy: show us your hand then.

Me: I can't!!

Dipper: *somehow sneaks next to me and pulls my arm above my head* Aha! Whoa!

Me: Oh crap! *has a fork stabbed right through my right hand and a knife in my wrist*

Bill: WHAT HAPPENED!! *rushes over and examines my hand*

Me: Ouch! I tripped over Waddles and fell on the counter, I'm fine.

Mabel: *passes out from seeing the blood seep from my wounds*

Dipper: MABEL!! *rushes to her side*

Wendy: DUUUUDE! You're not fine!

Me: but I don't feel anything.


Marsh: That doesn't look good.

Marcus: is your friend okay!?

Me: I feel dizzy.

Bea: Back with your powers!

Bill: *gives me back my powers and takes the fork and knife out of my hand* Better now?

Me: It feels like it's asleep.

Mabel: *stirs* what happened?

Dipper: you alright Mabes?

Mabel: fine 👍

Me: Anyway, me and Dip have another dare!

Dipper: Aw sweet! What is it?

Me: lemme see. *checks my laptop and my smile drops* to go in a haunted mansion just outside Gravity Falls.

Dip: *face palms* is it Kristi again?

Me: yup!

Time skip

Me: *is holding a camera so everyone can watch since they didn't come* you got the walkie talkies Dipstar?

Dip: yeah *hands me one and tests his* can you guys hear me?

Mabel: *over his walkie talkie* yeah.

Me: *tests mine* how bout me? And can you see on the laptop?

Mason: both of those are a yes Stargirl.

Me: okay then, let's go?

Dip: *nods and pushes the giant doors open*

All: woah!

Me: look at this place! It's awesome! *runs upstairs with Dipper close behind*

Dip: this is so cool! *opens a bedroom door and gets pulled in, followed by the door slamming shut*

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