Would Jewel Rather?

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Me: I've got a question! Guys we have to update! *shakes Dipper who's sleeping on the couch beside her* come on Dipstar, please? *shakes him with both hands*

Dip: okay okay I'm up! *sits up and rubs his eyes* what's the question?

Mabel: it's a Would You Rather? question!

Mason: go ahead Crystal. (A/n-She's my sister's made up character)

Me: alright Cris. Ask away! :)

Crystal: Would you rather...

Everyone but me: what?

Crystal: ...bring Dipper and Mabel GLEEFUL into this story full time or lose your magic for the next three chapters!

Will: *runs out of the room screaming* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *comes back in and tackles me in a hug* please NO!! *has tears streaming down his cheeks and whispers* no..

Me: I can't do that to Will.

Bill: but you've never been without your magic. You could get yourself killed! If you get sick your body doesn't know how to function to fix it! You've never been sick before, barely a sneeze!

Me: TAKE THEM! *looks down at Will who has his face buried in my chest crying* now Dad.

Dip, Mabel, Marsh and Marcus: *look at each other concerned*

Bea: are we gonna do it?

Bill: we need Aiden but he's in Monster Falls. How's Genderbent Falls by the way Bea?

Bea: things are fine. And I'll get him. *teleports away*

*they all wait until a portal shows up in the middle of the room*

Bea: *comes through the portal pulling her younger brother by the arm* I'm the oldest so you listen to me!

Aiden: but-but-but, I was about to make a perfectly good deal with Deerper! Maidbel was missing and I "promised" to find her if he gave me the magic gem he had!

Bea: *let's him go and turns to the purple dream demon known as Aiden* you can do that later! *turns to the others* guys, this is my younger brother Aiden-Strange Cipher.

Aiden: hi. Can I go now?

Will: *still faintly crying and is hugging his knees with me by his side comforting him* no. We need help with something.

Aiden: *a bit harshly* You need help with everything!

Me: Shut up Aiden!

Aiden: make me, squirt!

Bea: *smacks him in the back of his purple haired head* shut up Aiden and help us take her powers for three of her chapters!

Aiden: wait. Magic related!? *his eyes are glittering with excitement*

Bill: *sarcastically* yeah. Of course someone who sees magic everywhere in their dimension would be surprised by it.

Mabel: explanation on these people please?

Bea: *referring to herself* oldest of the Ciphers, Bea Cipher, Cipher of Genderbent Falls.

Aiden: *referring to himself* second oldest or oldest brother of the Ciphers, Aiden-Strange Cipher, Cipher of Monster Falls!

Will: you already know me but I'm Bill's twin of Reverse Falls. It sucks there.

Bill: and I'm Bill, of the original Gravity Falls! I'm the older twin though.

Will: are not.

Bill: are to.

Will: are not!

Bill: are to!

Bea: Bill's right, Will. And you know it.

Will: I know.

Aiden: we gonna take her magic so I can leave or not!

Bill: yeah.

Will: *stands up and grabs Bill's hand* ready?

Bill: *grabs Bea's hand* ready. You ready sis?

Bea: *grabs Aiden's hand* I'm ready. Ready Strange A?

Aiden: only Princess can call me that! And yes, I'm ready.

*they all close their eyes and glow their colors*

Will: *glows dark blue*

Bill: *glows golden yellow*

Bea: *glows, flickering hot to light pink*

Aiden: *glows violet purple*

Me: *gets surrounded by an aurora of all their colors flickering from one color to the next* uh?

*the aurora goes away and the Ciphers stop glowing*

Aiden: I'm done here! *goes through a portal*

Bea: *counts down on her fingers* 3. 2. 1.

Aiden: *comes back through the portal. His clothes are red and so is his hair and eye* they found Maidbel! I don't have a deal to make now!

Will and Bill: go complain somewhere else! *they laugh at their "twin-stincts" as many call it*

Me: *groans* I've had a headache but not like this! *grasps my forehead in my hands*

Bill: now we wait for chaos to strike!

Aiden: stop worrying.

Bill: easy for you to say! She's my daughter!!

Me: someone do the outro while I lay down. *lays down on the couch* Mason. Lay with me?

Mason: at least you act like a little sister now. *lays my head in his lap while I fall asleep*

Bea, Bill and Will: *whisper* stay cool dudes!

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