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Mabel: you guys almost done!?

Me: I never agreed to this!

Dip: you think happy about it?

Mason: I wanna see them!

Bill: why a lamb?

Will: I dunno

Wendy: cuz it's cute?

Marcus: makes sense.

Marsh, fluffy and Maxwell: Lamby Dance! Lamby Dance! Lamby Dance!

*most join in*:Lamby Dance! Lamby Dance! Lamby Dance!

Me and Dip: *comes out in identical lamb costumes*

Me: let's get this over with.

Dip: ♪Well~ who wants a lamby lamby lamby?♪

Me: ♪I do! I do! So go up and greet your mammy mammy mammy!♪

Dip: ♪Hi there! Hi there!♪

Me and Dip: ♪So march march march around the daisies! But-♪

Me: ♪Don't!♪

Dip: ♪Don't♪

Me and Dip: ♪Don't! You forget about the ba-by~♪ DONE!!

*Everyone applauds and cheers and yells stuff about us being cute*

Me: we're done here.

Dip: so done.

All: Stay cool dudes!

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