Let's get started

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Imagine being somebody high ranked in the First Order, and working directly with Hux on taking over the galaxy.

Imagine staying up all night with him, wanting to finally finish that project Hux is to present to Snoke tomorrow. You are sitting in front of piles of paper, trying to focus and get back to work but it's really difficult. Your eyes are heavy and sick of this work. It's 4.30 AM. You turn your head taking a look at Hux. General is sitting near you consumed by, relatively chaotic, sliding through screens on his datapad, mumbling to himself. His hair is a flaming mess, and he even undid the first button of his shirt. He must be extremely tired to do so. You tilt your head and roll up to him with your office chair. "You may go to sleep if you want" he says, still looking at the datapad "There's not much left. I can finish this on my own." You press your cold nose to his warm neck, right under his ear. He smells so good and addictive. Closing your eyes you choose to brush his soft skin with your lips a few times. Your hand runs through his red hair as you continue on kissing. When you open your eyes, you can see that the young man closed his. "I better wake him up or he'll never forgive me distracting him form work." "Come on, there's not much left. Just like you said" you speak up rather loud, tousling his hair. Hux opens his eyes and watches you going away with hungry eyes.

General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now