Chapter 14

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I has been a week since I killed that man. Emma hasn’t talked to me. I understand why though.

I walked into the door of my aunts house. Everyone was sitting in the living room. They all looked very serious.

“Is everything okay?” I asked as I took my jacket off.

“Cody, why don’t you sit down” My aunt insisted. I sat down on the couch next to Cassie.

 “You guys are freaking me out. What’s going on?” I asked. Everyone turned towards me.

“Cody, we’re worried about you.” My uncle said. I looked at him.

“Why?” I asked. I was starting to get worried.

 “You’re not your self anymore. You’re never home, and when you are you’re always leaving with no acceptable reasons. You’re coming home with bruises and black eyes.” My aunt said in a worried voice. I shook my head.

 “You guys are over thinking everything. I’m fine.” I said.

“Cody, please. We are just trying to help. You can tell us. What’s wrong?” I looked at her, appalled.

“Why would you think something’s wrong? Just because my moms dead and my dad’s in jail doesn’t mean anything’s wrong!” I yelled.

 “Cody, calm down” Olivia said.

“Cody, are you doing drugs?” Ask Lexi. I looked at her and laughed.

“No! Why would you think that?” I asked.

 “Because you’ve been hanging out with James a lot, and he’s into drugs.” I stood up.

“This is ridiculous. I don’t need an intervention or what ever the hell this is!” I grabbed my jacket and my keys and left. When I got into my truck, my phone buzzed. It was a text message from James. Can you come over?

About 30 minutes later I arrived at James’s house. I walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell. To my surprise, Jason answered the door.

 “Hey, come on in!” He greeted. I was surprised at how nice he was to me.

 “Please sit down” He said as he took a seat himself on the couch. “Cody, I’m sorry I was so harsh to you last time you were here. James explained everything to me to.” I looked over at James. He nodded. “Now, I don’t allow street drugs but I can prescribe you pain killers if you truly need them. But, on one condition. You tell us what‘s going on.” I stood up.

 “I don’t need any pain killers. But thanks. I should get going anyways” I said. I opened their front door and walked out. I stopped in the middle of the drive way. It was beginning to get dark.

 I don’t have any where to go. I heard James’s voice behind me.

 “Cody, you okay?” He asked. I turned around and nodded.

“Uh, yeah. Everything’s fine.” I started to walk towards my truck. I looked at my phone, I had a text message from Jared. We need to talk, ASAP

I meet Jared at our regular building. “What’s up?” I asked as I walked in the room. He looked freaked out.

“I need to tell you something before…” He stopped talking when Adam walk in the door.

 “Did you know they’re in town?” He asked Jared. I wasn’t sure who he was talking about. Jared slowly nodded. Adams face became angry.

“You knew? And you didn’t tell me?!” Adam yelled. One of the older men walked into the room. He shoved Adam against the wall. It was nice to see him be the one against the wall for once.

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