Chapter 7: Emma

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Reminder: Make sure you've read all of Chapter 6, I added more to it. Thanks for reading!


Later that night I was hanging out with Emma. We were originally going to hang out at her house, but her parents ending up staying home, and they didn’t want some “strange boy” in their house. And sense we couldn’t go to mine, we ended up hanging out in a park over by her house.

 “You know Cody, you didn’t have to come” I looked over at her.

 “Why do you say that?” I asked.

 “Well, it just seems like you don’t want to be here. And I completely under stand. I mean, with everything your going through” I sighed.

 “This might sound weird, but I wanted to hang out with you because of everything I’m going through. Being with you almost makes me forget everything for awhile.” She smiled.

“Your sweet” I smiled back.

 “I better be getting home soon. Will you walk me home?” She asked. “I would be honored”

As we walked to her house, we were approaching downtown.

 “Are we going through downtown?” I asked, hoping she’d say no.

 “Yeah, my house is on the other side“ I nodded. We kept walking, getting closer and closer to the alleyway. She must have seen the yellow police tape because she stopped and turned to me.

“Oh no, Cody, I didn’t even think about it until now. I’m so sorry.” I looked at her, her face was worried, an emotion I had never seen on her.

 “It’s fine. Can we just go to the other side of the street so we don’t have to walk by it?” I asked, trying to stay calm.

 “Of course” We walked across the street. I tried not to think about it, so I turned to look at Emma. She looked back at me, blushing. Then she looked away, but I kept looking.

“What are you looking at?” She said with a smile.

 “Do you know you have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen?” She laughed.

 “What ever! Your sisters are way prettier then me!” She said, blushing even more.

 “Well I never really look at my sisters in that way.” I replied, laughing.

 “So you look at me a certain way?” She said, still smiling.

 “Maybe...” I laughed.

 “Well this is it, home sweet home.” I looked up at her house. It was an old Victorian house.

“Thanks for tonight, it might not have seemed like the greatest, but it’s just what I needed.” I said.

“I’m glad I could help.” There was an awkward silence for about 30 seconds.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I said. She leaned in and kissed me. I wasn’t expecting it, but I kissed her back. She pulled away, smiling.

 “Yes, I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight Cody” She turned to go inside.

 “Goodnight Emma”


I know this chapter is short, but the next chapter is extremely long!

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