Chapter 11

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Hassan Pov:

I was still in the dorm making all sorts of instrumentals but none seem to match any of the songs...Either the pace was to fast or just to slow it seemed like nothing was going to match the with this song.

I was stressing out and if I stay on this computer making instrumentals it was just going to get worse...but I have to finish this because if I don't i'll let my friends down and they're is no way I'm going to let that happened.

~Time passed~

After another hour of making more beats I decided to take a break and lay down. As soon as I began to lay down someone began to knock on the door.

Eh probably just the guy's

"Come in!" I said then began to sit up

That's when the door opened and my eye's widen.


"It's me Sun Hi" She said with a smile she also had a bag in her hand

"What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion

"Oh just came to drop this off for you" She threw the bag at me.

I looked in the bag and saw Three Oreo ice cream bar' favorite!

"The guy's said you would love these so they picked it up for you" She said

"Isn't it a little to early for ice cream and why did they send you?" I asked

"Well for one it's never to early for ice cream" She Said

She then went to the door and closed it shut.

"And also I volunteered to send this to you" she said


"So we can talk business" she said then sat across from me on Seth's bed

"I'm not following" I said in a confused tone

"Okay listen because i'm going to cut to the chase okay?" she said

I nodded

"Okay I think both of are groups should seriously collaborate I mean think about it, It would boost your fan base and probably good publicity for the both of us." she said

Honestly it's a good idea but... well I just don't know I really don't want any connection with this group...but then again are fan base would grow...

"Look i'll think about it I promise and if I agree i'll let you know" I said

"Oh thank you you you!!!" She then came up to real close and started holding my hands. "I promise we won't let each other down I swear it will be the best performance this school has ever seen i'm telling!" She said

"Uuuh yeah if you say so" I said while trying to get out of this position.

Eventually she got up and gave me hug and left.

Wow if she was that excited with a maybe just think how excited she'll be with a yes..... I think i'll send Dana to tell her my answer

I sighed and began to open and eat my Oreo ice cream bar

After a I finished the bar i put the rest in are mini fridge and went back to work.

Seth Pov:

After us and girls went out to eat me and Dana left and went to walk around outside.

"So do you think Sun Hi successfully gave Hassan those bar's" Dana asked

"Let's hope because if she didn't it would have been a waist of money" I said

"Well not exactly at least she got to eat them" He said trying to stick up for her

"Yeah but the reason I bought them was a little treat for all Hassan's hardwork" I responded

He shrugged his shoulders and got on his phone

"What you doing?" I asked

"Just texting Hassan to see if he got the Ice cream" Dana answered

I nodded my head in agreement and me and Dana kept walking around the outside for a couple of hours.

Eventually we went back in the school and headed to our dorm.

When we got they're we headed they're we heard music blasting threw the door.

"It sounds nice" Dana added

"Must be Hassan" I said

We opened the door and saw Hassan jamming to the instrumental to our song

"Sounds nice" I said witch startled him

"Uh-Thanks it took me forever" he said

"Would have been faster if we helped" Dana commented as we closed the door behind us and sat on are beds

We all listen to the instrumental jamming to it. Honestly I think he did better with out us.

"Well this is a new sound for us" I said

"Yeah I kinda wanted to do a mix of RnB and Hip-Hop" he said

"So where exactly are we going to record it at?" Dana asked

"I think they're is a studio down the street we can use but we'll probably have to pay on the hour" I said

We all sighed because we hated spending money

"Alright I guess that's fine and after that I'll choreograph it" Hassan said

"Oooh no where helping" I said

"But we'll probably be in the studio for a while and I want you all to have rest" He said

"Then what about you" Dana asked

"I'll manage don't worry trust me on this" He said

I shook my head and allowed but me and Dana are going to find away to help.


Sorry for the wait but with all the Testing and studying that's been happening lately I've barely have time to right so if I take a month or so it's not that I abandoned my Story is just that I'm busy.



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