Chapter 4

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Sun Hi pov

I was in math class bored out of my mind with nothing to do but listen to are teacher talk about numbers and stuff.

Lucky we only have like 10 minutes left until lunch. But sadly all my friends have second lunch and I have first so I tend to eat alone.

10 minutes later

Finally the bell had ring and I was on my way to lunch and ready to talk to my fans.

I pulled out my phone and I turned on the broadcast.

"Well hello XO-IQ fans right now i'm on my way to lunch and I was just-"

"Hello!" Someone jumped into the camera

I screamed and my phone flew into the air and I literally watched it in the air in slow motion.

But then someone caught it.

I turned around to see Dana.

"Yikes my bad I didn't mean to do that" He said while handing me my phone

"No problem just next time warn me before you jump into the camera like that" I said

He nodded his head

"So i'm guessing you have first lunch right?" He asked

"Yea and i'm guessing you do to" I answered

"Yeah but my friends don't they have first lunch sadly" He said

"So i'm guessing i'll be having lunch with you girls...if you don't mind" he said

I smiled

"Well actually my friend's have second lunch to so i'm it's just going to be me and you Hehe" I chuckled at the end

"Great!" He said

We both walked to lunch and got are lunch and talked about music and both of are bands.

"So your band actually has eight members!!?" I said surprised

"Yep" He said then took a bite out of his apple

"Wow...well where's the rest of your members" I asked

"Back in are old school..They still perform in stuff but we had to change the bands name" he said

"Oh witch is Hotshot right?" i asked

"Yep kinda came up with it myself" He said in a confident tone

"Really?" i asked

He looked down


I laughed then patted his back

That's when a group of girls came up to us and surrounded us

"Ummm hi" i said awkwardly

"Can we have both of your autographs" The One girl asked

Me and Dana looked at each other and smiled

"Okay" we said in union

We began signing auto graphs and taking picture fun I can really get used to this

"Umm hey my name is Maria and i was wondering if you can both can sign this" She gave us her notebook

"Sure" we in union

"And can u right from Dan Hi" She in a excited tone

"Umm-" i was cut off

"Sure no problem"

He grabbed the note book and wrote Dan and and I grabbed the book and Hi next to it

"So what exactly does it mean is it like are nicknames or something" He asked the girl

She shook her head

"No it's your ship name!" she answered

My eye's widen and I then chocked on my lemonade and began to cough

she then chuckled and said thank you and left

"We have a ship? since when?" he asked

Does he seriously not know what shipping is.

"Man I never got to ride it" He said then had a bummed look on his face

"Dana just don't think about it i'm sure she was just messing with us" I said

He looked confused then went back to eating.

We both then started talking about music again.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure" He answered

"What if XO-IQ and Hotshot had a collaboration it would be perfect right!!" I said in happy excited tone

"umm I don't know" he said in unsure tone

What how come he doesn't it's a perfect idea genius if you ask me

"awww come on it would make are fans happy if we do come on give me one reason we shouldn't" I said

Then Looked up at me

"Well-" He was interrupted by the bell

He then got and said he had to go and ran out the cafeteria.

Why didn't he want to collaborate with us???

I then left th cafeteria and had a long thought on why he didn't want to to make a collaboration with us.................Then it hit

It's Obvious the only reason he wouldn't want to collaborate with XO-IQ is because he has never seen us play that's why.

Well it's about time Hotshot has seen are skills on stage

"Get ready everybody a XO-IQ and Hotshot collaboration!!!"


End of chapter four



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