Chapter 10

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Jodi Pov:

My eye's slowly began to opened to nothing but darkness. Did I fall asleep or something..I can't remember much only that....i'm still trapped in the closest.

I sat up and looked around...wait why is the floor soft...wait this isn't a's a bed.

I scanned the the bed to see it was my bed.

"I'm in my dorm?" I whispered

But how did I get here....I could've sworn I was still trapped in the closet..

I sighed and Layed back down trying to calm my brain down because i'm so confuse right now.

I might as well go to sleep and forget all of that ever happened.

I closed my eye's and slowly drifted to sleep to only lety dreams erase the memory for me.

Mean While In The Hotshot Dorm

Hassan Pov

It was 3Am and me and the boys where still up writing more songs to perform for the fans

"I'm tired can we go to sleep Now" Dana asked

"You can if you want then me and Hassan will right everything by ourselves" Seth said

"Okay I'm cool with th-" Dana was interrupted

"Witch means we will give you smaller parts in the song" Seth said then smirked at me

I snickered then looked at Dana who began to write once more.

"It's okay Dana you can see your exhausted so you can go to sleep" I said

"But what about my parts?" He asked

"Don't worry i'll right for you I promise" I said

"You put it on the name of hotshot?" Dana asked making sure

I sighed and nodded he then smiled and went straight to his bed to sleep.

"You know how much work your going to have to do you'll be up all night" Seth said

I know it's going to take a while but he was exhausted. Plus I gotta look after my band mates who are also my best friends. I can't have being exhausted and unhealthy.

"Yeah but who cares I like writing anyway" Began to write again

"Man your being way to easy on him" Seth said

"Gotta look after my friends" I Said

Seth smiled and began to playfully hug me.

"See you do have a heart a really big one" Seth said

"Alright it's no big deal okay.." I said

We continued to write for another hour until we finally finish I was Exhausted from writing so decided to go straight to bed.

"So when you plan on performing these songs" Seth said while laying in his bed

"As soon as we make the instrumentals and choreograph it all" I Said

"So much wooork" Seth

"Yea I know but someone has to do it" I sighed

By the pace where moving it seems like where working ourselves to death. It was so much easier when they're where eight of us...when we where one.

"Hassan?" Seth said


"How do you think the others are doing without us" Seth said

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