Chapter 9

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Hassan Pov

"You idiot this isn't Soda it's very strong beer!" I yelled

I can't believe this moron actually drunk this I mean who just finds some random can and automatically just drinks it....but to be fair it was in korean..witch I speak because i'm part korean.

"Hey stupid you realize you drunk some alcohol right?" I said to her

"Oh,..well..w-who c-ares" she said drunkenly

Oh great she's drunk just another thing to deal with after someone finds us.

And if you don't know what I mean i'm talking about the question they're going to ask as in: "so care to explain why you to where lock in here and she's drunk and your sober up did you try anything?" And then i'm going to tell the truth about what happened and they probably won't believe me...just great

"H-h-hey what's wrong with you?" she said while losing her words

I ignored her and kept thinking to myself about how im going to explain the situation to everybody...what am i'm thinking just tell the truth!

"L-l-listen you weirdo I-I have b-been thinking about you and your little boy group or whatever" she said

"What?" okay this got my attention

"Y-y-yeah you guys are trying to t-take a-a-are loyal fans" she said

Well I guess she can say that but really we just want to prove where much better then XO-IQ..... and everybody will forget them in the process.

"Wow why would you think that?" I said in a uncaring tone.

"Because I-I-I kn-know that s-s-song you performed was diss song" she said losing her words

Well not exactly me and the guys wrote that song like 6 months before we got here. But I guess the song matched up with the situation I guess.

"No no we wouldn't do that I'm a nice guy you can trust me." I said

"Y-yeah r-right b-but g-guess w-what I have this song that's going to blow your band out of the school" She said

She's just on the safe side

"Oh really tell me about it since it so great" I said trying to get her to spill at least a snippet of the song

"Oh you wanna here W-w-why don't you c-c-come closer" she said drunkenly

I came close to her and waited

"Well out with it let me here a snippet" I said

She came closer to

"Okay H-H-h uuh" She covered her mouth

"Quit covering your mouth and just-"

She then began to Vomit.....ALL OVER MY SHIRT!!!!!

I got up quickly and began yelling at her with every bit of anger I had in me..This Just ....why me...why....

She then passed out on the floor

"That stupid girl now i'm really going end they're stupid group!" I yelled

I grabbed some Napkins and wiped it off until i got every bit of it off but Still smells.

"Jodi I swear i'm gonna-

the door knob began to twist open

No way someone cam YES YES...Wait?...but who?

The door open and the person who open the door was.....Seth my best Mate

"Seth oh thank goodness you saved me thank you" I said

"Umm what where you doing in here....and is that Jodi....and why does it smell in here?" He asked many questions

"Listen i'll tell you later let's just get out of here okay" I said trying to leave and take a shower as fast as possible

"Wait what about Jodi?" Seth said

"Oh yea..Well help me get her-

I was about to tell Seth to help her up and take her to her room and all but that's when a certain memory of someone Throwing up on me began to pass my mind.

"Hm you know what leave her here" I said while smirking

Seth looked confused

"Are you sure I mean we can just-

"Nope leave her here close the door and lock it" That will teach her a lesson for vomiting on me.

Seth nodded and did as he was told.

"Dude I don't know what happened in they're but seriously you smell terrible" he said while covering his knows

"I know and i'll fill you in later let's just go to the dorm so I can take a shower" I said

"Didn't have to tell me twice let's hurry before you stink the hallway" he said while chuckling

"Shut Up And let's go" We both began walking back to the dorm

Hope she has a good old nap because when she wakes she's going to be in for a big surprise.


Sorry for the short chapter I just didn't want to drag this chapter any further...



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