TA: how could ii let thi2 happen?

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"II'm not 2ure why, but my pul2e ju2t quiickened."

"O)( no," Feferi gasped, "Eridan."

Sollux and Feferi took off towards Eridan's hive together at top speed.

"Eridan!" Feferi yelled, pounding on the door. It was locked.

"2tep back, Fef," Sollux threw his glasses off. He screamed as the light came out of his eyes, taking the door out in an instant.

Plea2e, ED. Don't be dead.

They charged into the room.

"ERIDAN!" Feferi wrapped bandages around his neck and began CPR.

She began mouth to mouth as well, which made Sollux shudder with jealousy.

"Eridan," Feferi gasped, out of breath.

"Hold on a 2ec," Sollux knelt down to Eridan's body. It took him all of two seconds to realize what had happened.

"No," he picked him up.

"Eriidan," he began sobbing and clutching Eridan's limp corpse.

"You a22hole! You promii2ed me you wouldn't do iit! Wake up! ERIIDAN WAKE UP!"

The room was silent except for the gentle sobs from Sollux and the occasional sigh from Feferi.

"I- I'm sorry. I could have done

"No, Fef. Iit ii2nt your fault." 

"No, Sollux. It is my fault."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Let me explain."

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