CA: Howw can you lovve me?

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"Look at that," Sollux wiped his hand across the glowing sky. It was a magnificent sunset.

"Yeah," Eridan gasped, "it's amazing."

"Ju2t liike you."

"Shut up," Eridan poked Sollux's side, "none of that crappy couple-y stuff."

"But iit2 true!"

"You're doing it again!"

"2orry, ED, ii ju2t... Can't really help iit."

"Am I that irresistible?" Eridan play- flipped his scarf in Sollux's face.

"Well, iif iit make2 you happy," Sollux smiled.

Something about Sollux always made Eridan feel good. Warm and cuddly and... Loved.

"Ivve nevver been lovved by anyone," Eridan said, staring at the sky.

"Why not?"

"I don't knoww. Evveryone just thinks I'm... A jerk or something!"

"Ii don't," Sollux leaned over and put his head on Eridan's shoulder.

"Yeah," Eridan blushed.

"2o Ii have a que2tiion."


"Why do you do iit? You never an2wered me before, and iit bug2 me."

"I- okay, fine. Like I said before, ivve nevver been lovved. Not like this. I alwways felt it wwas my fault that no one lovved me. Maybe if I changed it wwould be better," Eridan began sobbing, "maybe if I wwasnt evven here-"

"Lii2ten to me, ED," Sollux grabbed Eridan's face and wiped his tears away, "don't you dare 2peak liike that. Don't thiink liike that, don't talk about that, don't do iit. You are not worthle22, you are not hated, and mo2t of all, you de2erve your liife."

They were both sobbing horribly now.

"I- thank you, Sollux."

"Ii love you."

Sollux brought Eridan's face close as the sun went down.

"I lovve you too."

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