TA: iit2 not alway2 ea2y

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"You're not makiing thii2 any ea2iier, ED," Sollux struggled around on the couch.

"I'm sorry!" Eridan said, "I'm just tryna get comfortable!"

They were squirming around on Sollux's couch getting ready to watch a movie.

"Wwhat is this film evven called?"

"Um, ii would prefer not two read the troll tiitle... On earth iit would be called 'The Fault Iin Our Stars'? What the-?"

"Sounds lame."

"Yeah, but John recommended iit and Ii wa2nt ju2t gonna turn hiim down. He 2aiid iit wa2 a romance moviie that wa2 al2o very 2ad?"

Eridan just shrugged and tangled himself up with Sollux.
At the end of the movie, Eridan and Sollux were covered in tissues and still sobbing.

"They wwere so in lovve and he died just like I wwanted to! I can relate, Augustus! I knoww your pain!"

"Ii relate to the Hazel character," Sollux sniffled," Because iif you diied, iid be up2et. Majorly up2et."

"Shut up," Eridan whispered, blushing.

There was a knock at the door.

"Yo guys!" John walked in.

Eridan threw the blanket off, "Hey, John."

"Did you guys watch the movie?" He noticed the wadded up tissues and the tears, "Hmm, I'm gonna guess yeah."

"Yeah, yeah we watched iit."

"I wwish I could unwwatch it."

"Oh no! Was it that bad?!"

"No, I lovved it. I just... Tears, y'knoww."

"Oh, yeah," John sat between them, "I know."

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