chapter 2

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A/N ~ Srry it took me a while to post this. I kept forgetting :( okay enjoy :)

Chapter 2

Caleb was thrown into a small iron cage with Emma and Scottie. They were all chained together. Caleb knew they were in a wagon, with scouts surrounding it, and they were making their way to camp. Emma was still crying silently in the corner of the cage. Scottie was sitting close to her, but he was just staring into the distance, looking into the darkness of the night. Caleb sat silently, too, not wanting to break the silence. He wanted to say something but decided against it. What was he going to say anyways? “Sorry your husband died by being mauled by a four foot monster?” It was better he stayed silent. The silence started to work for their advantage too. Caleb could hear the scouts conversations.

“Where are these ones going this time, General?” he asked eagerly. “Are they going to our camp for execution or what?”

“Seems Maura would rather they come directly to her this time.”

“But what for? That is another day’s trip! The men need to stop for food and rest which will add at least another day to it!”

“We will have to eat as we go and as for resting, well I can’t deny that, we will spend only two hours sleeping a day. Once we get to the Base, we can sleep like we’re dead!”

Every man who heard what the General had to say groaned a little. The General shushed them and went on with his conversation with the scout.

“I know it ain’t the best thing to do, but Maura says she wants them as soon as possible. I don’t want to keep her waiting, you men know what I mean. She gets impatient and always ends up killing somebody.”

“I understand, Sir.” the scout nodded.

“Send a messenger. Write to Maura that new refugees have been captured and we will be there in two days time. Hurry along.”

Caleb could already see how this journey was going to be. It was not going to be pleasant in any way, shape, or form.


Maura pushed away her plate full of steak, corn, and mashed potatoes. She wasn’t hungry. Sitting across from her was her Advisor, Grace. Her black eyes stared right through her, but Maura stared right back.

“I recommend you eat, Ma’am,” Grace said in a emotionless tone. “It is important for your health.”

“I’m not hungry. I’m stuffed from breakfast this morning.” Maura looked down at the untouched food on her plate. Just looking at food right now disgusted her.

“Too bad.” Grace said looking away at the door. As if on queue, a tall man entered the room. He had short brown hair and black eyes, and his face was expressionless. He set a letter down on the table, then left, without a single word. Maura stood and rushed to the letter.

“It’s from the General. His unit recovered six refugee’s and are bringing them right away.” Maura glanced at Grace, who just stared at her with an amused look on her face. “He’ll be here in two days… wait… this date is from two days before. Grace, who is our messenger? Why did he not get here in a day?” Maura could feel something rising inside her. It was a feeling of disgust and anger. She felt like she wanted to say something. Maura tried to push her feelings down, make it go away. But no matter how hard she pushed, it stayed, welled up in her throat. Then the voice from inside her head spoke through her mouth, “Interrogate him, Grace. If he is suspicious in any way, kill him.” Maura pushed the letter into Grace’s hands. She stared into Grace’s eyes, noticing a hint of amusement and praise. Grace smiled a little at Maura’s words, then nodded slightly.

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