Breaking Down

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Yes, I know it's a five nights at Freddy's song, but it fits what I have planned for the end of the book!

    💫Mabel's POV💫

    I was frozen where I stood. My brain was still processing all that had happened in only the last couple of minutes. Time seemed to freeze at the time when Alcor collapsed.
    But, according to him, he's the person I've been looking for my whole teenage life. My other half. My brother.
    I felt my body trembling with too many different emotions to count. My vision was glossed over as I stared at the heap of unconscious demon on the floor. The tears that ran down my eyes before were still pouring out in a steady stream. Only this time, instead of them being tears of fear, they were mostly tears of happiness.
   When I first saw a picture of Alcor and his band, I was with Pacifica shopping. I immediately noticed the similarities between Dipper and Alcor. Same chocolate brown hair, same face, only older, and the same smile. The only thing that really changed was his eyes which, at the time, Pacifica and I though were contacts. Only now so I realize that he was actually my brother.
    I was so caught up in what I was feeling, I forgot Ford was in the room. It was almost too late when I finally snapped back to reality.
   Looking back at Dipper/Alcor, I saw Ford standing above him. The blood from the scratch marks on his face was slowly dripping down the rest of his face. He wore an angry scowl, and was holding one of his makeshift guns to Dipper/Alcors head. Realizing what Ford was about to do, I despretly cried out.
    "Ford! Don't kill him! He's Dipper, don't kill him!" I cried out as I ran over to him, pry at his arm to turn it away. But he was too strong for me, and threw me on the ground.
    "He might have been your brother at one point, but whatever was left of him is gone now. He's not Dipper anymore..." When he looked at me, I saw that he had tears forming in his eyes. His expression was angry, yet sympathetic, at the same time. 
    "No! I know my bro is in there somewhere, and I have proof!" I yelled.
    He stared at me, and I knew that he wanted to hear my 'proof'. 
   "For one, he didn't kill us when we figured out he was a demon for the first time. Secondly, he's been treated us like VIPs in his own house, and all we tried to do was escape. Yet, he still didn't do anything to us. And finally, look back at what just happened! He had full opportunity to kill you, and he restrained! Why else would he do that!?" I screamed, looking at my brother.
    His face looked to be at peace, masking the real pain that he felt. His eyes twitched ever so slightly, and so did his hands. Golden tear tracks stained his cheeks, and small portions of them were still coming out of his eyes.
    I looked back to Ford. "Those are all good points-" he said truthfully. "-but he's still a demon, and he DID do this to me." Ford then gestures to his scratched face.
    "But he could have done much worse! Don't you see!? He's trying to correct his mistakes! He even said it myself!"
    "I did say that, didn't I..." we both hear Dipper mumble, eyes fluttering open slightly. This suprised both Ford and I, but we responded in different ways.
    Ford tightened his grip on the gun, so much so his knuckles turned white. I, on the other hand, had a smile on my face.
    "Yes, you did. But that's still not going to keep me from killing you." Ford spats out at him.
    My smile wavers, and is gone in an instant. "Ford, no!" I yell, trying to get between him and Dipper, only to be stopped by Dipper. He raises his hand slightly, and I was immobileized.
    With his ocean blue eyes, Dipper looks at me, gives a weak smile, then turns his gaze back to Ford. "Fine. Kill me." He says simply. "You'll most likely be doing the world a favor. And I won't stop you. I deserve to die with what I've done." He then closes his eyes, and waits for the killing blow.
    I try my hardest to escape the invisible cocoon. I can't even scream. All I can do is watch a horror movie unfold before my eyes.
    At first, Ford looks as ready as ever to kill another demon. Then after a few seconds, the hand that holds his gun starts to shake. His grip loosens, and the gun hangs loosely in his hand. After a while of horrible anticipation, Ford drops the gun to the ground.
    I sigh a breath of relief, but it's not audible. Ford closes his eyes tightly, and puts both of his hands in a fist, before collapsing to the ground on his knees. "I can't..." he whispers.
    Dipper, still lying on the ground, opens his eyes slightly, a small smile on his face. With much effort on Dippers part, he puts a hand on Fords knee. Ford stares at his hand for a moment, then at Dipper.
    "It's okay Ford. I wasn't expecting you to. But, I was in a way, too." his eyes momentarily close for a moment, and I feel the cocoon around me shrivel away. I gasp, and crawl over to Dipper and Ford.
    "Mabel, do you mind helping me sit up?" Dipper asks, his voice hoarse. Immediately, I help him sit up, and he let's out a slight chuckle when he's up right.
    "What? What's funny?" I ask him.
    "That you think your helping the brother you knew. I'm not the same person Mabel. I'm a demon now," Fresh, golden tears start streaming down his face, and he has a sad expression as he looks at me.
    I give him a small smile. "You're not a monster Dipper. Sure, you may be a demon, but you're still my brother......doofus." I say as I grab his shoulders.
    Then, Dipper does something unexpected. He hugged me, and started bawling onto my shoulder. I hugged back, all the while trying to calm him down. This brought flashbacks to when he used to be bullied severely, and he always came to me for support.
    Ford also joined the hug after a while, which I think suprised Dipper more than it did me. It took a while for Dipper to stop crying, but I didn't mind on bit. I was going to cherish this moment for the rest of my life.
   After what felt like millennium, Dipper started to move away from me. Both Ford and I released from the embrace as well, and sat back on our knees. Dipper wiped his face on his sleeve, then smiled at Ford and I.
    "Thanks guys. It's been a while since I've let the other side of me loose. And, I'm also sorry. Both for not telling you sooner,  and scratching your face, Ford. But, I was afraid that if I told you, then both of you would be a target for my enemies." Dipper said, a slight shade of pink brushing his cheeks as he says the last part.
    Ford only smiles. "It's alright, Dipper. I've had worse, I think I can live with it." He playfully punches Dippers arm, and Dipper rubs it as though it made some sort of mark.
    Dipper looks to me. I smile back at him one of the widest smiles I could have ever made.
    "You're forgiven, Bro-bro! Just don't ever disappear again, please!" I say, giving him my best puppy dog eyes and squeezing my hands together.
    He smiles, and laughs at me. "You bet sis!" He ruffles my hair, and we all laugh, like the happy family that we're supposed to be. 


   "So, he's finally told them, has he." a low voice echoes throughout the big cavern. The figure looks closer into a swirling ball of mint light. A smile appears on his grotesque face as he watches the three pines laugh. "that means now is the perfect time to strike." The low chuckle of the beast fills the dark and mysterious cavern, as the ball of light goes out. The only light that is now in the cavern are two pairs of eyes.  One a pair of cat-like purple, and the other the color of freshly spewed blood.

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