Demons and Stereotypes

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🌗Alcor POV🌓

Finally, after three hours of unbearable bickering, Tad teleported out of my house in a fit of rage. I had just told him that I wasn't planning on bringing the apocalypse back to the prime dimension,(ours) and that had not sat well with him.
Although he was upset when he wasn't the one to start it the first time, Tad still benefited from it. Just like all the other demons. And when Bill and the apacolypse disappeared, he lost the power he had gained, being the brother of the demon who started the long awaited end of the world.
Even through his persuasion I still refused, making him even angrier. Before he teleported out, he left me with these words. "I'll just go see how the other demons like this news then!"
This slightly worried me, but not much. He could tell anyone he wanted, and that would barley faze me. Well, unless he told a certain someone. If he told that demon, I would die in hell fire for eternity. Literally.
I sighed, and teleported myself to my room. I needed a bit of rest, and some alone time. Grabbing a random book off of my shelf, I sat on the black sheets that belonged to my circular bed.
This bed was located at the tip of my room. You see, my room is shaped like a star, which is my shape that I take when entering the mindscape. In the bottom two points are countless bookshelves with many other books littering the ground next to them. On the right point, there is a small memorial for my old belongings, such as my pinetree hat. In the left point, there is a desk with a black feather quill sitting ontop. And, as I said before, the top point is where my bed is.
The floor is softened by dark blue, shag carpeting. In the corners of the room, however, it turns into a lighter shade. Once again, above me are millions of stars and galaxies, floating peacefully in their natural cycle. I had black wallpaper with a diamond pattern etched into it on the walls.
I outstretched my legs onto the mattress, and began reading what turned out to be 'How to Kill a Mockingbird'. Boring yes, but it's a classic.
As I read, my thoughts turned toward other things. Soon I wasn't even reading the book, just mindlessly flipping through the pages. Then my mind turned toward Pacifica.
I wonder how she's doing? Eve can be scary at times, but she would never harm a human on purpose.
Like me, she was turned into a demon involuntarily, and she wanted to become human again. She was turned about one hundred human years ago, so all of her family is sadly deceased, but all she really wants to do now is try to live as normal life as possible until we get the serum to work correctly.
Then there's Johnny. I met him while on a deal. He got cheated by some person, and was pretty ticked off about it. I was just coming back from a deal from the same guy when he told me all about what had happened. As soon as I heard it, I needed to get my revenge. Together, we killed the person who thought he could trick a demon and get away with it. From then on, we've just been friends. I don't know much about his past, but I do know he is quite old. He may have been alive when the Egyptians built the pyramids, but I'm not so sure. Johnny might not be interested in becoming mortal again, but he at least helps Eve and I get what we desire.
    Then my mind wondered to my own family. How long will I take them to put all the peices together? Ford and Mabel are extremely smart, and I don't want them to find out too soon.
    What I'm really worried about is Mabel. By her behavior, I can tell that she wants to spend more time with me. That could ruin what I have planned. I'm not saying I want to ignore her, but I can't spend too much time with her.
    Ford, though, I could care less. He hates me, and the only reason he would want to be around me is to get answers or try to kill me.  Either way, I wouldn't mind ignoring him for now.
But Mabel I knew I couldn't ignore. That would be disastrous.
In summary, I need to spend some time with Mabel, but not too much time. Preferably away from Ford, too.
As if by fate, I heard a familiar gruff voice call out my name. Snapping my fingers, I put an invisability spell over my personal belongings and made the door appear. It swung open, and I was greeted by a distraught Ford.
"What's the word, Sixer?" I ask him, now laying down on my bed with my arms behind my head. He leaned farther into my room.
"I know that it was you who gave Mabel her pig back. And I also know that your trying to manipulate her. All I have to say is stay. Away. From. Mabel."
I scoffed. "Didn't you hear me last night, Ford? I am trying to bring pinetree back, and how would tricking her help me with that? All I want to do is make her feel welcome. She accepted my welcome, but now I ask you. Will you accept it? In full honesty-" I sat up, and placed my hand on my heart. I could feel no heartbeat. "-I only want what's best for your family right now."
At this, he growled at me and dug both of his hands into the door frame. "If you really want what's best for us, you would return us to our home and give Pacifica back."
"First of all, I have explained to you many times of why you can not go back. Secondly, I don't have Pacifica, Eve does." was my reply.
His knuckles became white. "Then why don't you call up 'Eve', and demand her to bring Pacifica to your residence." he spat.
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, no can do Sixer. Eve wanted Pacifica fair and square, I can't take her back."
Ford angrily growled and threw his hands up. "Your saying it like she is some sort of toy! She is a living human being, not some trading card you pass around to people!"
"Oh, I know she's a human alright. And I'm not saying Pacifica is some sort of toy. It's just the demon laws of bargaining." I said plainly.
After came a frustrated grunt, and the slamming of the door. I sat in my bed, and I couldn't help but think over what Ford had said. Was I really talking about Pacifica as if she were an object?
I rejected the thought, and went back to my book, now fully concentrated on it.

Eves Home......

🔮Pacifica's POV🔮

"Hey! You can't do that!" I yell angrily.
"Where exactly does it say I can't? Hm?" Eve taunted me, rolling her unnatural bright purple eyes.
    "Right here in the rulebook, take a look for yourself." I say as I shove the small pamphlet in her face. She snatches it out of my hands and begins to read.
    "Well, it's not my fault I'm not playing by the rules! I don't even get this primitive game!" Eve screams, throwing the pamphlet at the wall.
    "It's 'Chutes and Ladders'!  What is there not to get!? When you land on a ladder, you climb. When you land on a slide, you slide down. It's as simple as that!" I slammed my hand on the counter top for emphasis, but just managed to mess up the game pieces.
    Eve smiled in delight from her seat. "Thanks Paz! Now we don't have to play anymore!" she exclaims, throwing her arms out.
    "Your welcome. I would have kicked your sorry but anyway."
    Eve scoffed and got off of the chair and grabbed our cups of coffee.
    Now, you may be wondering why I'm playing a board game with a demon, and there is a really good explanation. When I first got here, I was scared out of my mind. Eve was terrifying, and then she asked me if I had a thing for Alcor. Puzzled by the question, I instinctively said I didn't, and our friendship blossomed from then on. We spent most of our time playing games or just chatting, but when Eve went to go make deals, I spent my time reading books that I always meant to but never had the chance.
    Through all the quality time I've spent with Eve, I realized she isn't what I first thought she was. Instead of rude and disrespectful, she was kind. Sure, she might say a witty comment here and there, but it's nothing too bad. I also found out that she has a rebellious spirit. She told me some of her old life before she became a demon. What she said was she always got in trouble for something and never followed the rules. She loved to sketch and still does, making beautiful creations with her pencil and paper.
    Our personalities were almost identical, and we had no trouble figuring out what both of us were like.
    Although, when Eve leaves for deals and I don't have a book to read, my mind starts to think. Most of the time I think about Mabel and Ford. How were they doing? We're they okay?
    Questions like these raced through my head until the moment Eve came back. But, still, even when I lie in my bed, my brain goes right back to them. I have been hitting it off with Eve at her place, but what about them?
    Mabel probably is starting to make connections of some kind with Alcor, but Ford is probably trying to figure out a way to kill the demon. 
    From what Eve told me, Alcor doesn't seem like a bad demon. Sure, he makes deals and hurts people occasionally, but even Eve has to do that. It's part of the contract that is signed when your a demon. But he sounds like a very sweet demon. If Eves description of him is anything to go off of, I would say that Mabel and Ford are in for a nice treat.

Two updates in less than a week for the same book? That's not normal for me...

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