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🌘Alcors POV🌒

I've messed up. With me still getting used to some of my new demon emotions and breaking points, some things could just slip out of my mouth. But I just revealed what I planned to do. Something that they shouldn't know about yet.
"W-what?" Mabel's voice squeaked out from behind Ford. Mabel's head was just barely poking out from his shoulder, giving me a glimpse of her hair.
I sighed, and I knew I would have to explain everything the best I could. But, I would somehow have to gloss over the fact IM actually pinetree. In a sense anyway.
"Believe it or not, I actually want the old Pinetree to come back." Crossing my arms, I huffed and rolled my eyes in annoyance. They may be family, but when most of your essence comes from an all knowing demon, everyone seems to be a bit dim witted. Even your closest family and friends.
Ford stiffend his protective stance in front of mabel. "Liar..."
"Maybe I am lying, maybe I'm not. It's your choice whether you want to believe what I say. But I am telling you the truth."
Mabel poked her head higher from behind Ford, so I could now see her chocolate brown eyes. I could sense that curiosity was slightly overpowering the fear inside her, along with another emotion. Hope.
"Say we did believe you. Why exactly do you want Dipper to...come back? And, what exactly do you mean by come back?" Mabel said, confidence rising in her voice. Ford quickly shot her a look, but then turned back to me, obviously interested in what my answer was going to be.
But unfortunately for all of us, I didn't have an answer. For the first time since I fused with Bill, my mind was a blank, empty void. It seemed as though there were no loop holes to escape the question. I would have to answer it one way or another, but what do I say?
I just stood there with glazed eyes, which I could see confused Ford. He thought that demons knew what to say to every single question in the universe. To see me distraught at a question and not being able to answer must have left him flabbergasted.
Lying to them now wouldn't help much, so i decided on the next best thing. Telling them the truth, to an extent.
"That's going to take some explaining to answer. I suggest we go into my living area and get comfortable before I start. Shall I?" I asked with a sigh, lifting up my hand, getting ready to teleport us into my living area.
Mabel and Ford took cautious looks at each other, but they nodded their heads.
With a snap of my fingers, we were all in my living room. The ticklish feeling that I got in my gut when I teleported subsided, and I looked at Mabel and Ford to see how they were doing.
It was very obvious that Mabel had never teleported before. She was clutching tightly onto her stomach with one hand, and the other was placed on her head. I knew Ford had teleported before, but I never thought of Mabel had or not.
"Oh, sorry star. I should have warned you that the first time you teleport somewhere there are side effects" I say casually. "Here, this will help with that."
With another snap of my fingers, a small teacup is floating in front of her. It's filled with a creamy white liquid that I invented to help any kind of pain.
She looks at it wearily for a few moments, but finally takes it. Taking a sip from the cup, her eyes widen, and she downs the rest of the glass in seconds.
After she pulled the cup away from her face, Ford grabs it out of her hands. Her looks into the cup with one eye, then smells inside of the cup.
"What was that exactly?" he says, holding the cup out infront of him and narrowing his gaze into me.
"Just a healing liquid that I invented to help pain. It wasnt anything bad. Shooting star can tell you that." I glance at Mabel.
"Yeah, it didn't taste bad Ford. It actually tasted like Mabel juice oddly enough..." she trails off.
"It's designed to taste like what the person likes the most. In your case, it tastes like Mabel juice. With me, it tastes like a Banana ginger smoothie. It's different for everybody." I say, waving my hand to make the teacup disappear from Fords hand.
"Now, make yourselves comfortable, this might take a while." Making a point, I drop down onto a dragon leather recliner.
They were hesitant, but eventually they both sat down onto my tiger pelt couch, placing the unicorn pillows behind them.
    "Alright, now start explaining demon." Ford said curtly, glancing around at all of my unusual belongings. His eyes eventually wandered to what was above him, and he started at the stars in disbelief. I laughed quietly at that.
    Mabel looked as though she wanted to say something about Fords language and Tobe of voice he directed towards me, but her mouth stayed shut. She, too, looked around the room in bewilderment.
    "Well, I guess I'll start when Pinetree was stuck in Bills dimension. I know that Mystic told Mabel some of the story, but she didn't tell all of it, as she wasn't there-"
    "and you were?" Ford questioned me mid-sentence.
    "In a sense, but I'll explain that later if you just listen. Now, Pinetree was stuck in there without food or water, so he was slowly dieing. When Bill finally went to check up on his puppet, he was on the brink of death. Panicking, he split Pinetree into four parts. The brain, which was renegade. The body, which got stuck in Bills dimension and turned into nothing but shadow. The heart, which Bill corrupted and turned into a demon. The same one that attacked your base. Finally, the soul. The soul was the most powerful force of the four, and Bill had to lock it away in the rift to it couldn't do anything that would cause him trouble in the future."
    I stopped briefly to see if they were still listening and they were. Ford was actually taking notes, and Mabel was staring at me intently. So, I started to explain once more.
    "Bill then made a fatal safe in case one of the Pinetrees did something he didn't like. I still don't know how, but he lost it and then Mabel got it somehow. Do you mind mind explaining where you found that necklace?" I asked.
   She fidgeted around, but then answered me. "I actually found it out in the woods when I was fourteen. We were on a raid and I split off from the group. In one of the trees I found the pendant and attached it to a necklace when I got back to the bunker. I told everyone I made it in honor of Dipper, but I lied. I didn't know how they would react if I just brought a random price of jewelry in from the woods." Mabel said, looking at Ford. He said nothing, and motioned for me to continue.
    "The first one to be placed in the charm was The mind, or as you know him renegade. Then the heart, as he rebeled against Bill after he got  back from attacking your base. When you were at Bills castle and Mabel broke the rift, it sent shokewaves throughout the dimensions, and the body came and got sucked in. Finally, the soul completed the charm. It exploded, and the Pinetree that you knew was reincarnated. With the rift breaking, there also came me. I was the demon that you saw, star, and I also fixed the world. After pinetree was reincarnated, something happened and he disappeared. I don't know if he went away on purpose or something made him leave, but I do know that the blast of him reincarnating killed your family. As for Bill, I absorbed his essence, and that is why I know all of this."
    I stopped, and leaned back in my chair. They were both staring at me, their faces void of any expression. Ford was the first one to snap out of his daze, with Mabel following him soon after.
    "That still doesn't explain why you want 'Dipper to come back'. " Ford says, pointing his pencil at me.
    "I want him to come back because I'm trying to fix all of Bills mistakes. That's also why I restored the earth and erased the memories of everyone. But it's not just pinetree I'm trying to find, I'm also trying to find your other family members that dies in that fight as well."
    "Why would you do that?" Mabel asked me, all fear that was in her voice now gone.
    "Again, I'm trying to fix what Bill messed up. I think that's enough explaining for today though. So, goodbye. I'll see you when you wake up tomorrow." Before they could ask anything more, I made them fall asleep. With the snap of my fingers, I teleported them both into their beds.
    Taking a deep breath, I stared into the endless space above me, one question escaping my mouth......

"What if Bill was a square?"

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