Chapter 1: If looks could kill, he would be 6 feet under.

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Chapter 1: If looks could kill, he would be 6 feet under.

As I stepped outside the school gates of West Brickland High School and started my short walk home, relief floods me. No more school. School holidays are finally here. 6 weeks of total relaxation. The hot Australian sun was melting itself on the back of my neck. It was hot but felt good and this was what I needed. Year 11 has not been easy for me this year; preparation exams, getting my L's, boy troubles and best friends. My best friend wasn't a problem though. She had mostly helped me through all the other shit I had gone through. Jess was a typical Aussie girl; blonde hair, blue eyes, surfer chick, perfect body and my best friend. And she was also not a soccer player. Yep, you guessed it, I play soccer.

On the boys team.

It wasn't like I was a boy-girl freak. I just preferred soccer over netball and other girly sports. I don't really like going shopping, but I do like hearing the latest goss and having sleepovers. I just loved to play soccer as well. You could call me a tomboy, and I wouldn't really care. Sometimes I prefer sports over all the other girly stuff, and if you can't accept that, well, looks like we can't be friends.

As I got lost in my thoughts, I felt a shove from behind me. I stumbled forward and soon regained my balance. I whipped my head around and glared at the person who shoved me ready to rip into them. And who else could it be but my idiot 14-year-old brother.


Note the sarcasm.

Thomas was a good brother, he really was, but just annoyed the shit out of me 24/7. He preferred being called Tomo, but to piss him off I never called him that.

I smiled a fake smile at him.

"I suggest that if you want to get back home in one piece, you better run Thomas," I lunged at him and tried to pin him down but he stepped aside and I face-planted on the footpath and grazed my knee.

I heard my brother laughing his ass off while I muttered some words that my mum wouldn't be proud of. As I started to get up, I saw a hand stick out to me. I looked up to see who the owner of the hand was and I almost died. It was Zack Peterson. The Zack Peterson. The most popular and drop-dead gorgeous guy in our school. Possibly all of Australia. He was absolutely amazing. Movie-star looks, perfect body, can sing like an angel and is on the rugby team. Every girl's dream guy. Oh, did I also mention he was dating the school's Queen Bitch, Kelly Jenkins. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I realised his hand was still sticking out to help me up. I gladly took it and once I was up I gave him a shy smile. Thomas was still laughing his head off.

"Um, th-thanks," I stuttered.

"No problem," he replied giving me a warm grin. "Are you alright?"

"Y- Yeah, I'm fine, just a graze on my knee. But my little brother won't be fine once I'm finished with him," I turned to glare at Thomas, and he immediately stopped laughing. If looks could kill, he would be 6 feet under right now.

"Tell me about it," he chuckled. "I have a 14-year-old sister, and trust me; she is ten times worse than what your brother just did. One time she decided to wax my legs while I was sleeping, and let me tell you that didn't end well. I almost broke my arm running down the stairs trying to catch her! I mean, I don't even have any hair on my legs!" he exclaimed.

I burst out laughing and he started laughing along with me. After we calmed down, I opened my mouth to tell him a story about what my brother did to me when I was cut off by Queen Bitch herself.

"Hey babe," Kelly says, turning him around by his shoulder and planting a sloppy kiss on his perfectly shaped lips. But to my dismay, Zack pushed her off him.

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