chapter 12

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Trevor’s head inched towards mine as he leaned in to kiss me. My breathing hitched and I wanted to know what his lips felt like but I knew that it was wrong to give in to what I wanted. I pressed his hands against his chest, pushing him away from me. “We shouldn’t do this.”

Alyssa, I can’t suppress my feelings for you anymore.”

“Trevor, I—” Trevor cut me off as his soft, warm lips crashed into mine. The moment felt so right and I forgot about what was right or wrong and just let the moment happen. His lips fit with mine perfectly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to him until there was no space between us. His hot breath swirled my thoughts into a daze. I wasn’t able to think. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t care less. I wanted to capture this moment forever. I want to keep replaying this scene as if we were a scene in a movie.

A soft moan escaped my lips as Trevor’s fingers traced down my chest. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. His lips left mine and were making their way towards my ear. I moved my hands so they were holding Trevor’s face and we were looking another in the eye. I held his face as I pressed my lips to his. I wasn’t done with his kisses yet. Without breaking the kiss, Trevor rolled us so I was on top. I broke the kiss too quickly to grin with excitement. I pulled my shirt over my head on threw it on the ground. Trevor chuckled as I was having some difficulty removing his shirt. I tugged at the hem of it until eventually he  did the honors and removed it himself.

As I was tracing Trevor’s sculpted abs, I couldn’t help but to admire his body. He looked like a Greek God or at least model material. The way his body felt against mine was surreal. My hands traced his abs and he sucked in a breath the lower my hands got. I was the lucky girl who snagged his heart, or at least I’d hope so.

He’s going to be all mine, I told myself. He will be mine for-

My thoughts were interrupted by soft, delicate, warm lips against mine. We rolled over again so I was back on the bottom. I didn’t mind what happened anymore. I am with Trevor and that’s all that matters.

“Alyssa, I love you.”

Did he just say that he loves me? My heart did this little flippy thing and I was smiling.

“I love you more,” I said back.

Trevor kissed my nose. “I don’t think so.”

Before I had the chance to object, Trevor pulled a small black box from his pocket. He handed me the box, which was covered in velvet swirls. I opened the box and gasped. An engagement ring was inside the box. I examined the ring right inside the box. The diamond was in a princess cut and was set in a white gold band. It was stunning and perfect. He was perfect.

When my gaze left the ring I was looking and Trevor, my body was shaking. Trevor was down on one knee. He reached for the ring and held it out. With his eyes staring intently at me he asked, “Will you marry me?”

I woke up screaming. My body was sweaty from the bad dream and I was sticking to the sheets. Adam came rushing into the bedroom turning on the lights. Trevor was right beside him.

“Al, what happened? Are you alright?” Adam frantically asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a bad dream, that’s all.”

The truth was it wasn’t a bad dream.

“Do you want me to stay here with you?” Trevor inquired.

Adam shot him a look. “I’ll stay with you if you want.”

“No, no that’s not necessary guys. I think I’m just going to try to go back to bed.”

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