Part 12 - The Showdown

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"Ms. Mendors, so glad you could make it in to see us today, we are going to have to keep this a bit shorter than we expected, we have another appointment in twenty five minutes." Kendra said and gave a quick but important stare at the clock on her phone. 

Andrea who was "Rachel" to Mary Anne and Kendra, gave her most innocent look. "Oh, I am sorry I got stuck in traffic and well" Andrea voice dipped down low "I had a problem with a stalker earlier."

Mary Anne looked aghast "a stalker?" Kendra stared blankly but wanted to roll her eyes.

Andrea shook her head as Charlie watched her blond hair dangle back and forth Charlie could feel the sweat beading up under her armpits. No doubt about it she thought with a sinking feeling this was her biggest nemesis, not some author trying to sell her book, and Charlie knew she also would never allow herself to be stalked, that was another lie. 

"Well now, Charlie aren't you going to tell these fine ladies that we are old buddies?"Andrea purred looking less innocent as a trace of something more dangerous lurked behind her blue, gray eyes. 

"You two know each other ? How?" Kendra asked with her mouth slightly ajar. Kendra was trying to picture where these two would ever meet each other, they were like oil and vinegar. However she realized they are all here together now, so It might have just been a one time thing, even though Rachel made it seem like it was more, Rachel was a drama queen. Kendra figured that out the other night while they had drinks. Spoiled, drama queen, Rachel was for sure. 

Charlie cursed in her mind as she felt the heat spread onto her cheeks. Darn It she was blushing. Once it started it never stopped until her face resembled a ripe tomato. 

Andrea leaned over and gave Charlie a firm hug, squeezing tight and whispered in her ear "So I hear you're a guy now huh?" speaking just soft enough where Mary Anne and Kendra could not hear but loud enough so Charlie could hear every word. 

Andrea laughed "Charlie never was much of a talker, even when we were together, HE did not need to do a lot of talking though, we communicated in much more exciting ways." Andrea took her time saying the word together seductively and said he just a bit more loudly than the other words. Andrea gave Mary Anne a knowing look that said yes Charlie is mine, stay away if you know what is good for you. 

Mary Anne looked like she had swallowed a cup full of acid, looking from Andrea to Charlie. Her eyes were sparkling with jealousy but Charlie was not paying attention to her. Charlie was angry and before she could think blurted out "Yeah, that was before I walked in on you screwing my brother."

Andrea lost a little gleam in her eyes for a few seconds that only Charlie noticed, other than that Andrea remained calm, but she was pleasantly surprised at Charlie, she liked her prey to give her a bit of a fight, it made the kill even more satisfying.  

Mary Anne was the first one to speak after the long pause. "Well, lets keep the past in the past shall we?" She looked pointedly at Charlie "Do you want to be excused from this project, Charlie?"

Charlie swallowed hard "No, like you said all that is history now. Let's just get on with it shall we?" There was no way Charlie was going to run with her tail between her legs, besides Andrea forgets that Charlie has as much dirt on her as Andrea has on Charlie.

Mary Anne pulled up the figures and information for the companies that she had negotiated with earlier to promote "Rachel Mendors" Book "Comfort, Chaos, and Chivalry" Charlie almost snorted thinking of how the book was a guide of how to live happily while ditching drama and finding comfort in the small pleasures of life. Andrea not only craved Chaos she thrived in it, no one ever said she was a lover of comfort, far, far from it. The battle  had begun and now was the time to make a move. With Briana's help Charlie was sure to make a dent into little miss Chaos plans, Charlie had already stopped sweating and started smiling as she took a seat next to Andrea and looked her in the eye, an unspoken threat thrown in Andrea's direction to which she got a raised eyebrow and an unspoken reply that said bring it on. 

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