Part 4- The Misunderstanding

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Charlie using a terry cloth was wiping down the bar like she had for the past three nights with vigorous movements lost inside her head not paying attention to much else . Remembering how her boss and now best friend, well only friend, Briana, had reacted when she had told her that she was a girl, not a guy as Briana had originally thought. It happened Friday night while filling out the paperwork. When Charlie had filled in the little X next to female on the employee form Briana's mouth hanged open and she asked in disbelief "you're a girl?" Charlie knew the little giggle that came out was not intentionally meant to hurt her but It did, though she nodded and gave a weak smile back. 

Relief hit Charlie when Briana told her that she didn't care that Charlie did not have a permanent address yet and Briana said she would pay Charlie in cash til she found a place, even offering her the use of the office when the bar closed to sleep in giving her some blankets and a pillow to use on the comfy couch where Briana held most of her business meetings. Charlie was warmed by Briana's kindness and quickly that hurt from Briana's laughing at her earlier disappeared completely. Charlie heard the echo of "unstable" in Mary Anne's voice when she told her she had not found an apartment yet. How different these two broads were Charlie smiled to herself for once feeling a bit at ease, although not full ease, but half way which was farther than she ever got with Daniel and his shady dealings. 

Charlie was mistaken for a boy a lot. Most of the people in Jersey where she grew up they knew she was a tomboy with a very rare adam's apple, yes girls can get them too, but she had all the female parts that she kept covered with loose fitting flannel tops and casual jeans, but they were there. However whenever she went out of town with Daniel or on trips with her Pop's before he had passed away, she had quite a few ladies interested in her and never quite got use to that, blushing and going quiet after explaining to them that she was a woman. Not really knowing how to respond because she was introverted and thinking was slow, very slow, turtles moved faster than her brain when it came to conversations, especially small talk. Besides Charlie would always get that look from the seductive women, that oooh you are butch look. She wasn't being masculine on purpose, she just preferred jeans to dresses and being raised by only males she never was given make up so she had no desire for it now. She did not want to be a boy she just wanted to be herself. Which happened to be a girl with some boyish looks and characteristics. 

Charlie's thoughts went to her mom whom had passed away when she was less than a year old due to a massive heart-attack. She was wondering if things would have been different if she had been raised by both her parents instead of just her Pop's and if he had not shielded her from the rest of her family. Her Pop's loved her but he never would allow her to see her mom's side of the family other than Daniel and her other brothers Jake and Morty that were twins spending most of there time by themselves, this left Charlie feeling lost and all alone most of the time. 

Still lost in thought she never heard Briana walk up beside her so when she whispered "I think that spot is clean now." and giggled, Charlie jumped about three feet in the air but giggled back picking up the cloth that fell in the floor. 

Charlie picked up the glasses on the table and put them on the tray balancing them all the way to the sink faking a skill she never really had, she had always drank out of paper or plastic containers. The hardness of the glass was nice and Charlie actually enjoyed picking them up and washing them so when Briana said "Leave them in the sink and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day." Charlie frowned and replied "I don't mind I am not tired." 

Briana put a red twizzler in her mouth, her only sweet addiction and shrugged putting on her coat. Taking the twizzler out of her mouth she said "fine by me, see you tomorrow Charlie, don't forget the lights and to lock up." Then she waved and Charlie waved back as she seen her close the door and make her way up the street to the subway. 

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