A Year Later...(Jocelyn's POV)

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I woke up in Rydel's room. I stretched as I yawned. I looked over at the smiley Rydel whose sitting up on her bed. "Today is your special day!!!!!! You and Rossy are getting married," she squealed.

"Oh my gosh. I miss Ross already! I haven't seen him since yesterday," I said sadly. "But I am happy that I get to see him today at the wedding."

"Right now, you need to get yourself and your hair washed. Get the dress from the cleaners. What else am I missing," Rydel said the last part to herself.

"What about food? I am starving," I requested.

"Oh, my gosh. You are so much like Ross! I want to make sure that the cake and food being escorted to the wedding safely. The bouquets for the bridesmaids, including me," she gestured herself. "Anyway, you need to go and take a shower!"

Rydel pushed me lightly to the bathroom and closed the door. I scanned the bathroom and saw that Rydel have my clothes on the counter sorted out. I smiled and start on my day.

After I took my shower, I put on my clothes and did my hair in messy bun. I stepped out of the bathroom and startled by Rydel's appearance. "Rydel, you scared me," I said as my hand upon my chest.

"Come on, you are late to your hair appointment! Let's go, let's go," Rydel said as she tugged me out of the house. I sighed because I haven't had anything to eat yet. Why was she so pushy today?

As soon as I got in the salon. I was greeted by a really sweet girl. "Hey, I am Kayla. May I help you today?"

"Jocelyn and Rydel Lynch today for an appointment," Rydel chirped. "And how are you, Kayla?"

"I am doing good. I am insisting you are Rydel and Jocelyn," Kayla asked.

"Yes, we are! I am happy that she is getting married to my brother,"  she cheered.

Kayla smiled and nodded. She called Catherina and Alex to do our hair.

I smiled the fact that Rydel said Jocelyn Lynch. It made me smile a lot. "What are you smiling about," Rydel yelled because of the dryer.

"Because Ross and I went through thick and thin. I really love Ross so much than life itself. I don't know what to do without him. But I am happy that we went through the long way. With him, nothing's impossible. I am happy that you are my sister," I said, pouring out my feelings.

Rydel sniffed because of the choice of words I picked. "That is so sweet. I  can't wait to hear what you say to Ross at the wedding! Oh my gosh," Rydel gasped. "We are late!"

My eyes widen. Catherina and Alex quickly finished our hair. We paid Kayla and went straight to the wedding building. "The term of they say, the bride is fashionably late. Apparently so true," I chuckled.

Rydel pulled me inside the room and fixed my hair into nice loose curls with flower design.

Rydel pulled me inside the room and fixed my hair into nice loose curls with flower design

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As soon as I put on the dress

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As soon as I put on the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror. I really love my dress and my hair. It's really beautiful. I suddenly have butterflies in my stomach as I looked at myself once more.

Rydel walked to me and hugged me. "Everything will be alright. Nothing to worry about. Ross loves you so much. No matter what," Rydel said to me.

I nodded.

"Jocelyn, I love you so much, babe. Never, ever, ever forget." Ross' voice rang in my ears.

I smiled widely as the butterflies has disappeared.

I love Ross, no matter what happens


Awesome chapter. It will be little bit of twist in the next chapter. It will leave you at the edge of your seats! Mwhahahahaha *clears throat* Anyway, thanks to the winners who answered the questions correctly. It's AllyRocket and Alexsa66. Congrats! Please go and read their awesome stories and accounts.

Thank you JR5forever for being Ross' fiance.

I really don't have anything else to say. So have good day/night!

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