Breaking News

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I woke up the next morning with Jocelyn in my arms. I smiled as I looked at her while sleeping peacefully. I suddenly remembered what happened last night. Jocelyn's stalker tried to get her back. I got up and went to the tub to take my bath. After I took my bath, I went in the hotel room with my hair dripping wet. Jocelyn woke up and started blushing as she saw my hair. I smirked at her as she continued to blush. "Good morning, princess. How was your sleep," I smirked at her teasingly.

"," she stuttered and began blushing badly. "I am sorry, Shor. Your hair is wet. And it looks really good on you."

"You think so? I didn't think it would be the best look. To be honest, I hate it when my hair is wet. I didn't figure that you like it."

"Well, it looks hot on you," she winked as her shyness disappeared.

I smiled at her. "Jocelyn, I am going downstairs to get the food and bring it back upstairs. Sounds good," I asked her.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I am going to shower while you go and get the food. Love you, Rossy Shor," she pecked on my lips.

I kissed her back. This time we started making out. Jocelyn closed her mouth to stop me from going any further. "What's wrong, babe," I pout.

"Are you forgetting something?"

"Nope, I have my beautiful princess right here in front of me. I am sure I didn't forget you."

"Our food, you big goof," she laughed as she get her clothes from her suitcase. She going to take her shower.

So I went down stairs and started to get the food for my beautiful girlfriend and I. As I tried to get the food, there's someone sitting across the room with a glasses on and a book in front of his nose. I was little confused at first. I really want to think that was Jocelyn's stalker. But I know that isn't him. So I continued to get the food. I could feel his deep glare at me. It sent shivers down in my spine. I finished putting the food on the tray. I was about to leave but the same guy, who has the glasses on and a book in front of his nose, stopped me from going up stairs. He got a phone out and has an recording app open for me to speak/answer his questions, which would be totally nosy questions that he really wants to know. "So you are Ross Lynch," he asked.

"Um, yeah. Why are you asking me that," I scowled.

"Oh, I just want to know what happened between you and Laura. Are you in new relationship with a fan? Is she using you because you are famous?"

"Laura and I broke up. She cheated on me. So I decided to move on about her. I met someone online. And she is really special. I am in love with her already. She wouldn't use me because I am famous. She loves me for who I am. She would never use me for fame. I knew that. My beautiful Jocelyn. She is the best girlfriend in the world. And who are you," I finally asked him.

"Oh, I am Ryan. I am making news reports from celebrities. You pretty happy," he smiled. Something is totally off about the smile. That smile looked and sounded too familiar. I wish I knew who I heard the voice from. I waved him a good bye.

I went up stairs to the hotel room that Jocelyn and I shared. I put the tray on the counter. And I sat on the bed, got bored after while. I decided to turn on the television. Just in time, Jocelyn came out with her beautiful self. She saw me drooling, she giggled. I smiled with her. She sat in the bed with me. I got the food from the counter. We decided to eat the food in bed. As the news came on, a breaking news.

We continued to eat until the news showed the picture of my face. We stopped eating and started to listen.

'Ross Lynch is cheating on his new girlfriend with Laura, who was a co-star of Austin & Ally. Lets hear what he said this morning.'

The audio file began to play.

'Laura and I never broke up. I cheated on her. So I decided to move on to Jocelyn who I met someone online. I am in love with Jocelyn and Laura. Jocelyn would use me because I am famous. She never love me for who I am. I knew that.'

My mouth hung open in shock. That is a lie!!!!! I looked at Jocelyn, who is verge in tears. "Jocelyn, I would never say stuff like that! The dude from downstairs cut the most of the audio," I begged her.

"You think I never love you? I love you for you are! Why would you lie," she snapped at me.

I started crying as well. "I wouldn't lie to you! I just going to prove it to you!"

"Don't do anything to prove it to me. Because I actually heard your voice! So you have nothing to say to me," she got up and grabbed her bags to walk out of the door. But I stood at the door to stop her from walking out. I looked at Jocelyn with tears in my eyes. "Ross, move I don't have time for games."

"Since you think that was me saying those lies. You didn't hear the whole story. They cut most of it out. I am going to show it to you that I am telling the truth," I said it calmly before saying this. "I will never want to eat anything ever again. I will go back what I used to be. Cutting and starving myself. I do mean it."

"Ross...please don't do that. I really need to clear my head. I will leave the bags here. I will just step out of here. I need space right now."

With that, she stepped out of the door. I sunk on the floor and started crying violently. Jocelyn walked out of the door because that stupid news team ruined my life. I stayed in the room. I actually locked the door and stayed there all day. Which caused a delay a concert that we are supposed to go to for today.

For seven straight hours, I stayed and stayed in the room. My family knocked on the door hard. Trying to get me out of the room. But no luck. I am still crying and tugging my hair for seven straight hours. My throat hurt from all that screaming. Until then, someone has to break down the door. The room is a mess. The broken glass every where. The pills on the floor and my blades. My body is dripping blood. I still have wet tears running down on my face. My family gasped in horror. They ran to me to hug me. Except Riker, who's smirking as always. Wait a minute. I knew that smile somewhere! I got up and tackled him to the ground. "You ruined my life! You f•••ing ruined my life! Why do you have to hate me," I said as I threw every punch.

My family has to pull me off of Riker. I am still raging towards him. "Ross! What has gotten to you? Riker didn't do anything to you," my mom scolded me.

Riker's face is swollen from all the punches I have him. But yet, still smirking. "Yeah, mom. He is right, I did ruin his life. I stole his ex girlfriend. Laura paid me and Taylor to get back at you. I pretend to be a news reporter to get the voice record from Ross. I adjusted the recorded voice with my buddy, Taylor. He is a computer genius. We sent it to the news team. They gladly to accept it to put it on this morning news. So now, his fans and his girlfriend hates him now. I am so proud of this," he smiled widely.

I cried and cried really hard. Until I heard a voice, an angry voice boomed the room. I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

But Jocelyn is still my love of life. I would never ever forget her. Don't ever think I don't love you.


Hello! This is a nasty twist in this story. Or it isn't really good. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your day. My day went well.

Thank you JR5forever for being Ross' girlfriend.



-Rock On

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