Hidden Secrets and Hidden Feelings

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As they allowed me to leave the hospital. We went back on tour. I wasn't the same since they told me that I had while I was on tour. Oh well. But I know for sure that I am extremely pissed because this isn't suppose to happen to anyone especially me. But I have a feeling in my gut that they wouldn't care about me. So why even bother? I sat in my bunk in the tour bus, scrolling through my social medias. Something caught my eye, as someone took the pictures of me making out with random people at the strip club. I starched my face in confusion. I stood up from the couch I am sitting on. It read, "Ross Lynch, an eighteen year old, was at the Rated Mature club. Is Ross gay, straight, or bisexual. And he was underage drinking. And he was having sex with random people. After the night before, Ross lands himself in the hospital. We have learned that Ross has been cutting and starving himself. What was Ross thinking? Stay tuned for tonight's R5 interview. Thank you for reading this!"

I threw my phone on the wall. I screamed so loudly that it can hoarse my voice. I grabbed my hair and tugged it tightly. I dont want to go to that interview! So I need to find a way to ditch this interview. I was thinking about a  plan and Laura came in the room with a sad look on her face. I really wish I want to ask her what is up but I don't want to. Laura had an extraterritorial sigh. I ignored her. She sighed again and I still ignored her. She pulled a loud dramatic sigh. "What is it now, Laura," I asked, feeling annoyed.

"No one is on the bus except us. So what do you want to do," she asked me while battering her eyelashes. I sighed annoyingly. "What? You don't want to spend time with me?"

"I have my own problems to worry about right now."

"What can I help with your problems," she asked me seductively.

"Would you stop please?  I don't want to do anything with at this minute. So please go to Riker and eat him or something," waved at her.

"Ross, what is your problem?! I want to spend time with you. I also want to tell you how sorry I am. I still feel like you are pushing me away. This has to stop! We used to be best friends! What causes you to act like this? I apologized to you!"

"You see the problem right there? You expect me to forgive you for putting me a dangerous position where I could end up killing myself. And look at these scars i have on my arms, legs, hips, and my region. Stare at then when you need a reminder! These are the reminder for you and Riker to understand what you guys made me feel. You can't imagine what I have gone through," I screamed at her, with tears flowing down on my face.

Laura, who is also in tears. "Actually, I do feel bad. I have to look at those ugly scars for the rest of my life. Why can you be happy like Riker?! Why can you," Laura screamed. "You were depressed while we were dating. And I kept asking what's wrong and you refused to open up as you used to! If that is so bad then don't tell me and don't look at me at all ever again!"

I reached out to her and grabbed her arm lightly. She look's at me with tears in her eyes. "Laura...my feelings has never changed for you. I was distant because I was in trouble," I said with brim of tears.

"W-what kind...of trouble," she asked me nervously.

I hesitated for a while and took a quick breath. "I was raped by your sister, Vanessa," I mumbled.

"Vanessa? No way. I have known her my entire life. There is no way she did it to you. You need to stop lying," she snapped.

"If you think I was lying then why was I distant? Who would you believe? A broken boy or your sister?"

She kept her straight face and said. "Vanessa," before turning her back on me.

I sat back and began crying. I decided to get a butt and lit it with a lighter to smoke it. "Laura,  Laura, Laura. You think your sister is innocent. Just wait until you come running and begging me to forgive you. Yeah, right. I tried to forgive you but you at making yourself look bad," I smiled evilly through my tears.

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