9. Party

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Jae-Ha P.O.V

  ''We are going to a party!'' I suddenly yell out. ''What?'' Hak questions me. ''It's Saturday and we haven't gone out in so long.''I explain my decision.

  We all are at Hak's place once again to check up on Yona. ''I don't think that's a good idea. Yona is still in a bad condition.'' Hak says pointing to Yona. '' I think it'll be fine!'' Yona smiles brightly.

  ''Then it's settled! We are going to a house party at Lily's place! It starts in three hours, see you there.'' I say as I start to leave Hak's place. After all, getting ready takes me about two hours. 

  At nine I reach Lily's place, I go straight in. When I enter I see Lily and Marielle already taking shots of vodka. 

  About half an hour later Yona, Yun and the rest of the gang arrive. They instantly get drinks handed to them but Yona and Yun decline. 

  Two hours later and everyone is drunk but of course Yun and Yona are not. Shin-Ah is a little bit tipsy and is sitting in the corner alone, observing everyone.

  I see Zeno talking to Marielle, I start walking towards them. ''Hey, let's go upstairs and have some fun. There's already four people waiting for us'' Zeno says playing with her hair and smiling in a sexual way. Marielle smiles and nods.  I stop in my tracks, shocked by what I heard. ''Oh, Jae-Ha. You seem like a person who would be into this. Want to join?'' Zeno says putting his arm around her. ''Thanks but no thank you.'' I awkwardly smile at them.

  I go take a couple more drinks, still shocked from what I heard. Soon enough I feel the room start to spin. I see Kija standing alone, god, he's so handsome.

  I suddenly feel brave enough to tell him about my feelings. I walk over to him, in what I thought was a straight line and Kija notices me and smiles.

  ''Kija, I haw sumthing to told-tell yuu'' By my speech you could really tell that I was drunk. ''Oh, wat iz it?'' He slurs.

  ''I luv ya!'' I yell. ''I can't marri yuu yet! I'm no redi!'' He says panicked. ''Nu! I jus luv yaa!'' I yell back. 

  Then everything goes black.

  When I wake up the first thing that I notice are the squirrels EVERYWHERE! I slowly stand up feeling pain in my head. I look around the room, there are squirrel statues, wallpaper, stickers, keychains, plushies and even the god damn carpet has a fucking squirrel on it.

  I look back to where I was sleeping and see Kija right next to me just in his underpants. Everybody else is dressed. I feel a cold breeze on my body, I look down and see that I'm also in my underpants. What the fuck happened yesterday?

  I locate my clothes and quickly put them on. I walk around the weird apartment and notice that Yona, Yun and Shin-Ah aren't here.

  Suddenly I hear a 'PYKUUUUU~' behind me. I quickly turn around and a thing jumps on my face. I let out a scream, probably waking the others.

  An actual live squirrel. 

  I've never been so angry about squirrels. As I throw the squirrel off me I hear Hak yell, ''WHAT THE FUCK?!'' I guess he saw the squirrels. 

  When I go to the room where everybody else is, Hak starts yelling at me, ''Jae-Ha, what the fuck did you do this time?!''. I feel offended and yell, ''What?! It was probably Zeno, since he had a fucking gang bang!'' From behind me I hear a voice say, ''Well, atleast I had a fun time.'' I turn around and see it's Zeno.

  ''Why the hell am I naked?!'' Kija yells from the corner of the room. ''What the fuck is going on here?'' Hak says questioning his life choices as a door opens.

  ''Breakfast.'' I see Yun say, Shin-Ah and Yona are also with him. I see the squirrel from before, run towards Yona. ''Is that an actual squirrel?'' Hak says pointing to the so said squirrel.

  ''Yeah! Isn't Ao cute?'' Yona says petting the squirrel. The room is quiet for a bit. ''Where are we?'' I ask desperately. ''My place.'' Shin-Ah answers me quietly. How didn't I realize this before, I think to myself.

  ''You didn't know this is Shin-Ah's place?'' Yona asks with Yun adding, ''Haven't you been here before?'' We all shake our heads.

  ''Anyways, just eat your breakfast so that you'll feel better.'' Yun says taking subway sandwitches out from a bag.

  This has been the weirdest night ever...

And I really hate squirrels...


We wanted to do a calm chapter but couldn't do it.

Sorry, not sorry. Did you find the Vine reference?

~MysteryGirl003 and GrandmaWhoHasSchoolOnASaturdaySheCriesEverytime

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