1. First Day

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Yona P.O.V

  I wake up at 7 am ready for my first school day in a new school. I don't have a family, they got murdered, I live by myself in a small apartment. I'm in my senior year of high school.

  I get dressed but I don't eat my breakfast because I'm so nervous. I have heard things about this school for example there is this dangerous gang called The 4 Dragons and the Beast and the internet famous school janitor handsome genius Yun. Can't wait to meet them.

  I look at the clock and it's 7.55 am! Damn it, I'm going to be late on my first day! I grab my bag and run out of my apartment. I live about 15 minutes away from my school.

  I arrive to school at 8.06 am. This place is huge! I hope I don't get lost! I know my class is on the 3rd floor so I start running towards the stairs. 

  Once on the second floor a person comes from around the corner. I didn't react fast enough and ran into him. We both fell and he started swearing. ''I'm so sorry!'' I say as I look up. There is a pale, white haired guy. He stands up and walks away saying something under his breath leaving me on the floor.

  I quickly collect my stuff and continue running to the 3rd floor. I reach my floor and there are two ways to go. I turn to the right and start looking for class 374. At this point it's 8.10 am. I quickly realise that my classroom is in the other wing.

  My classroom ended up being at the end of the corridor. I take a deep breath, fix my hair and knock on the door. I hear the teacher yell ''yes'' and I enter.

  Now all eyes are on me. ''I-I'm so sorry I'm late!'' I quickly mutter. I look at the people in my class and see the same boy from before. ''Ah, you must be the new student. Did you get lost?'' the teacher asks me. Once again I hear the white haired guy say something under his breath. It sounded something like ''More than lost...''. I look at my new homeroom teacher whose name is Gi-Gan. ''Yeah, um... this school is pretty big.'' 

  ''You'll introduce yourself in the next lesson. For now take a seat.'' Gi-Gan points to an empty chair next to the window. The seat is in the second last row. I sit in front of an angry looking but hot guy. 

  The teacher talks about the upcoming year. I didn't listen much but i heard something about a fashion show which confused me. I look to the right and ask what seems to be a group of friends what's this talk about a fashion show. 

  They look at me shocked, making me more confused. A green haired guy asked, ''Why you ask, my darling? Do you want to participate? Do you need models?'' He flips his hair and strikes a dazzling smile. I smile akwardly ''N-No...I'm just curious.''. ''Oh, how sad, I was hoping to go this year.'' He pouts.

  The lesson suddenly ends. Because it's the first day there are two homeroom classes in a row and then the 3rd lesson would be the opening ceremony.

  The break is 10 minutes, during that time I notice that everyone stays away from the group of people I sit next to. I don't know anyone so end up sitting alone all through the break.

  When the lesson starts the teacher asks me to introduce myself. ''Hello, my name is Yona Kouka. I am 18 years old and due to some...things...I had to move here. I hope we will get along well.'' I smile a little akwardly. The teacher nodded and told me to go sit back in my seat.

  Once again the lesson goes by quickly. The group next to me kept giving me weird glances. I don't understand what was wrong. Did I look weird? Was something wrong with my hair?

  As I follow everyone I see someone I never wanted to see. I stop in my tracks. Everything goes into slow motion.


Hope ya'll liked the first chapter! :) I wonder who she saw :0 

This story is written by me and my friend. :D

~MysteryGirl003 and MysteryGrandma 

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